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Chapter 2 Two

Word Count: 1681    |    Released on: 10/10/2022

attention. The first thing they offered me was laughter,

ng else he needed from you. Don't think he has loved you all this while? Even if you are his mate, he w

r." Another voice chipped in, and my hear

stinging my eyes. I was so embarra

ue, right? The

he second was the strange expression on Jace's face, all because I cal

just g

l still find out. I really can't believe the young girl got hi

keep that flower aside, or he will throw it in your face! " A l

d. I can't bear seeing those mockery looks again. I can't

to hold me back, but I quickly

nd him and hear the truth from him. Those taunting comments from his sick and annoying friends can'

rthday party without telling me was

it be

ola, it c

ar to have all that as the truth which would shatter my heart


it open as I had always done. I rarely knock. I can't remember the last time I

l what those friends of Torian had said about it. Oh, shi

oment I heard some strange voice. I couldn't w

as I stared at the scene hap

in my chest as my breath hitch

nt around his neck with one of her hands tugging at his hai

stream down my cheeks with their moans and groans piercing my heart

eezed and spanked, causing her to moan under the kiss. My heart twitched so tight that a sob threatened to escape

their attention. The tears in my eyes blinded my vision so that I didn't see the stair

I wanted was to get home and bury myself in my bed. I wished it was a nightmare or some kind of

had been with Torian, I'd never seen her around, making me wonder so hard who sh

as too intense and passionate. They were both lost in those moments, and none of them noticed my presence. Their moans wouldn't lea

it, but then how would I know that the same man I had handed over my whole heart and loved so

or drew the attention of every one of Torian's friends, who were partying and dancing their asses out. They all turn

y s

bring my

them all, speeding my way to the door. I'm

old of my palm and drew me back. I swive

ed myself off of him in a rush, trying

e. They all knew what was going on. They all knew t

is he asking

ee me!" I shrieked with tea

r, right? But I trie

elled at him in a cracked to

e hot Alpha to be. I wonder what he did to her?"

your nerves. I ca

lding me when you've known all along and never told me, I... I.

ding sharp pains into my heart. This wa

nd Jace took off his grip on me and walked away

their hands together, walking down a step at a time. My eyes were glued to him, an

g room, and he moved closer

He looked more handsome than before, his blonde hair and those bright hazel eyes drawing m

ou tell me? " He asked curtly, his initial smile vanishing like

fy you so you could show me your phony demeanor! "I half-yelled, trying hard to keep my voice strong as I didn't want to cry in front

He sneered and made a soft chuckl

any of your flimsy lies on me... I saw all you were doing in y

oughly, with no emotions, as it sounded to



Chapter 1 One Chapter 2 Two Chapter 3 Three Chapter 4 Four Chapter 5 Five Chapter 6 Six Chapter 7 Seven
Chapter 8 Eight
Chapter 9 Nine
Chapter 10 Ten
Chapter 11 Eleven
Chapter 12 Twelve
Chapter 13 Thirteen
Chapter 14 Fourteen
Chapter 15 Fifteen
Chapter 16 Sixteen
Chapter 17 Seventeen
Chapter 18 Eighteen
Chapter 19 Nineteen
Chapter 20 Twenty
Chapter 21 Twenty One
Chapter 22 Twenty Two
Chapter 23 Twenty Three
Chapter 24 Twenty Four
Chapter 25 Twenty Five
Chapter 26 Twenty Six
Chapter 27 Twenty Seven
Chapter 28 Twenty Eight
Chapter 29 Twenty Nine
Chapter 30 Thirty
Chapter 31 Thirty One
Chapter 32 Thirty Two
Chapter 33 Thirty Three
Chapter 34 Thirty Four
Chapter 35 Thirty Five
Chapter 36 Thirty Six
Chapter 37 Thirty Seven
Chapter 38 Thirty Eight
Chapter 39 Thirty Nine
Chapter 40 Forty
Chapter 41 Forty One
Chapter 42 Forty Two
Chapter 43 Forty Three
Chapter 44 Forty Four
Chapter 45 Forty Five
Chapter 46 Forty Six
Chapter 47 Forty Seven
Chapter 48 Forty Eight
Chapter 49 Forty Nine
Chapter 50 Fifty
Chapter 51 Fifty One
Chapter 52 Fifty Two
Chapter 53 Fifty Three
Chapter 54 Fifty Four
Chapter 55 Fifty Five
Chapter 56 Fifty Six
Chapter 57 Fifty Seven
Chapter 58 Fifty Eight
Chapter 59 Fifty Nine
Chapter 60 Sixty
Chapter 61 Sixty One
Chapter 62 Sixty Two
Chapter 63 Sixty Three
Chapter 64 Sixty Four
Chapter 65 Sixty Five
Chapter 66 Sixty Six
Chapter 67 Sixty Seven
Chapter 68 Sixty Eight
Chapter 69 Sixty Nine
Chapter 70 Seventy
Chapter 71 Seventy One
Chapter 72 Seventy Two
Chapter 73 Seventy Three
Chapter 74 Seventy Four
Chapter 75 Seventy Five
Chapter 76 Part 2 Mate Series.
Chapter 77 Ch 01
Chapter 78 Ch 02
Chapter 79 Ch 03
Chapter 80 Ch 04
Chapter 81 Ch 05
Chapter 82 Ch 06
Chapter 83 Ch 07
Chapter 84 Ch 08
Chapter 85 Ch 09
Chapter 86 Ch 10
Chapter 87 Ch 11
Chapter 88 Ch 12
Chapter 89 Ch 13
Chapter 90 Ch 14
Chapter 91 Ch 15
Chapter 92 Ch 16
Chapter 93 Ch 17
Chapter 94 Ch 18
Chapter 95 Ch 19
Chapter 96 Ch 20
Chapter 97 Ch 21
Chapter 98 Ch 22
Chapter 99 Ch 23
Chapter 100 Ch 24
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