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Chapter 7 NO respect

Word Count: 1027    |    Released on: 21/10/2022

he man who gave birth to him more like donated the sperm to give birth to him, he didn't like having an encounter with his so-called father. "I didn't k

ce. Underneath his voice there was a bit of hurt he was feeling, he didn't understand how his relationship with his son had turned so sour. "No I d

ed. He couldn't also forgive his father because his father immediately got married to another woman, he felt hurt when he had witnessed it years a

e or second thoughts he had gotten married to her disregarding her pregnancy. He started up at his son whatsoever he was doing for his children's betterment and

nd greed, "you could have made it work out between you two, at least we would have gotten shares in her father's company. She is the only Successor

he wealth they own without mutual understanding, getting to know each other first, and feelings of love between us. Unlike you did." Brett muttered with grit

s first wife but it couldn't be helped, he wanted to be powerful and rich. "Also I already have a hospital which is the best you can find in Milan, s

and convincing her to force their son. but his mood was ruined and his plan didn't go as he thought it would, he could not go to his second wife either


as there awaiting his arrival like she always does. "Hey mom, I missed you." His lips curved up gently as he said that gazing at the beautiful woman be

t my child, how are you doing?" She asked smiling brightly at him. "Doing great mom, I missed you." He replied kissing her

t like a child before her, and that was his mother. "Yes I do, why did you make the Morgen girl cry? What did you do to her and who is the gi

at her son. She was expecting good news from him about already having a girlfriend, she was worried her son was not interested in ev

you love her." Adeline coaxed Brett to force words out of his mouth. She

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