call still looking for his keys "Where are my keys" he uttered and Emily showed up with the keys in her hands "Is this yours, I sa
the room without locking the door, Michelle laughed at the situa
in the basement, she also saw Michelle goldfish Emily got her last Christmas, and she didn't want to spoil Michelle's littl
ly shrink to the size of her neck that was when the change began, the scales on her tail slowly began to morph into skin, the caudal fin turned into human feet then gradually separated into two while the process went on, Emily and Michelle stood st
Emily you smart child that's why you're my favorite, this little fish could help us pay the house rent," He said making his way toward the baby mermaid. "No da
ckle followed "Look Emily I know you would have gotten attached to that create b
w that, you're just looking for the fastest way" Em
his voice sounded intimidating but it didn't shake Emily "
eet towards Emily as soon as he got to her pushed her wi
d towards the door then Michelle slams the vase on her head, and Emily yanked the baby from his hand and head ou
t realizing that it was raining heavily, they drop the baby inside the car and Michelle entered the car and start the e
alongside her bodyguard, they wore black head-to-toe suits, black tinted shades, and earpiece wi
to the government officials, yanks the speaker from her " Emily, Michelle listen to my hand over the fis
lled towards the car parked in front of the road and Michelle successfully pass the officials leaving Emily at the s
ly turned her feet and tried to run out of the compound not realizing a car launch
e engine running away from the government cars that were also launchin
t ordered the guards to capture Benson which they did, at gunpoint they ordered Benson to enter the car and he did only on a request " Please
hted from the window said it all. Emily's legs were wrapped up with bandages after repeatedly trying to walk she
William Alongside the mermaid Lisa, George got bankrupt so he lost his money and after that, he began his habit of drinking, that ended up tak