img Volin Women's Academy  /  Chapter 5 Siblings | 15.15%
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Chapter 5 Siblings

Word Count: 3037    |    Released on: 19/11/2022


e Dean. I heavily sighed and started to putting away my stuff in my bag and violin case. "You are

." Is she always

ra's henchman?" Does she have eyes everywhere? I nodded."The want to meet her. Well, their boss

Follow me please." I nodded and followed her. I wondered whats in her mind now. W

hh. You'll know soon enough." She giggled. If only shes not this cute, I'll be asking a lot o

ert. But who can blame me. Just looked at how inviting it is. Such beautiful girl with s

I can't breath. "Since the orchestra is tomorrow away, they wanted to stay in the mansion

. When the door opened, three guys walked down the stairs and Athena went to hugged them all. Like

reet them. Should I wave? Or just smile? Either way I just nodding my head. "Irina." Th

to walk to the mansion?" Yuri asked his sister. "No silly. Your ride will come. I arranged everything. How's

ion." Athena wrapped her arms around him. "Why didn't you bring her here?" Gustow pushed his black hair back

many siblings you have?" I asked when we walked back to the academy. "Eight of them. I

the truth. It's not like she know who's my stepsister is. I chuckled. "What's so funny?"she asked. I shake my head. "So

ecause of how influenced our father is but i told them how it matters to me, to be strong a

ught it'll destroy the world balance and nature around us." Wait. Did she just told me how wr

w where to start. Should i start with the evilest dad ever live or the solitary confinemen

n there, Irina." He can see through me. It must her killer instinct. We were just talking when we

h. "Yea. I told her the same thing yesterday. Such a waste." Athena nodded. "She should just work for Volin. The p

heck of

chuckled. Wait. Did I heard her right? Did she jus said... "I'm sorry. Who's head?" Athena s

t my head out of a

first time i heard her genuinely laugh. "You're funny Irina. For an assassin, you do not l


kill you! It's either you pulling the trigger or they will." Then we all heard a gunshot. We all turned to the direction

as shot earlier. "For this part, we use a BB gun but trust me, the real deal is much more worse t

the strongest fighter in the school. "You ever think those brothers obsessed with her." I voiced out. Evara turned to m

My eyes widen. Is she serious? She leaned to me. "Don't hold back." She whispered and pushed my u

t stopped yanking her leg from my grip. I didn't even noticed she used her other leg to kick

now." By the corner of my eyes, I saw the Vladimir brothers stood up from their chair and we

and swing her legs to my side. I gasped for air. I may have the bones made from titanium, but her kick is some

se and motioned for me to charged forward. I literally ran towards her and flipped my body upward to grab

I changed my position and literally choked her with the strength of my thigh as if we're wrestling. She h

me without blinking. "Where did you learn to do that?" Evara broke the silence. "Audra Academy

brothers. I nodded my head. "Are you by any chance, Irina Audra, the daughter of Larion Au

f her last action towards Alina and Maksim Audra, her own siblings. Their death is one mistake." Gustow nodded his head.

ent equally. Now, let's get back to training." Barbara clapped her hands. The Vladimir brothers apologised

itary confinement as your punishment, weeks without any food or drinks." Where is she heading to with that s

ing different. You should be afraid of the tomb of torture that was build underground. But it w

n for The Game is underway. You have 2 weeks to give me your name if you want to participate in

But if I'm not mistaken, my last school called it as Igra. "You will put your name, right?" Ev

, this is not a drill. The four person who still standing by the end of the day, will be chosen to c

be the best thing that happe


I feel since last night, still visible, even after hours of bubble bath that I took.

l pay off today." The Dean made herself visible and touched Athena's shoulder. "Y

ng you?" I asked. "I want you to meet my family silly. Now be gentlewoman and don't

f us. When the door opened, a very intimidating man walked out of the car and stared at us. "Daddy.

sible nuclear power plant. "Who's is this lovely girl you bring?" Did she just call me lovely? I gave him a ve

nd. "This is my wife, Alexei." He introduced his wife who just walked out of the car. "Irina." I shake her

t could pierced through you. The only thing that she have in common with Athena is her hair. Her long

my oldest sister." She flipped her hair and smiled at me. I smile sheepishly. I must look like a idi

winked and blew me a kiss. "Hey stop it!" Annushka smiled. "Last but not least, Natalya." I

eyes up here, little girl." She smiled and pinch my nose. "Shes cute. Athena,

one hell of a chance to be taken care by an angel. "Stop drooling over my sister silly. Am I not enough for

ical music conductor. Of course she expects perfection. Her ears are so used to beautifully made music. "

e the opening act." I obliged and followed her. I saw the student-teacher group walked in the thea

at participate in the concert looks like they're having their worse nightmare. "Im about to pu

a good start if you wa

nocular. But remember this, we have been practicing for this stupid concert for weeks. Now, let

I can see several most influential people in the world. The underground bosses, mafia's, every si

important per

d while placing her violin under her chin. We began our little symphony and the whole theatre listened to us. W

rson. "Looks like we manage to gained more s

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