!"Michonne pi
e and they come.."Have a taste!"Addey picks up her chopstick
anna eat now!"Addey whines as Glenn sho
o to huh? let the guest first have a
d picks a dumpling and puts in her mouth and her face had a smile
Glenn and Glenn
u want okay?"Glenn nervously says like
rse I'd love to "Then the dinning room fell quiet and they all finished eat
onne asks as she sees Addey eyes glued to t
k ruthless at all!"Addey says as she clutches the couch pillow and she smiles inwardly ."Momm
she sees the sour look on Glenn face,It snot like she didn't want
paper works,you can go without me "
es your place in the office,why do you suddenly have to do so
weird asking you that but still "Michonne says as she feels anxiety eat
d no other male friends and who
ove to,Let
ng Ma
him in his sweaty body ."Why are yo
with muscle, I want to feel my days when I was the most handsome m
urns around to Addey.."Grandpa! m
onne says as Addey hugs his leg
me?"Alden picks her up and they both go into the living room and sits down
keep hooking me up with lousy men?"Michonne snee
find this young man huh?
at accident dad! can you stop making the en
ilies as close as yo
aughter has good eyes for men "Alden says as Michonne blushes hard ."You've got to take the opport
viously from you!"Grandma Palmer says as Micho
you'd be here!"Glenn also helps
he got her terrible romance from him,I was even the one
ers about our love story! Michonne
u'd grant me a wish if you win then I'd do anything you
e old man huh? that's great, Michonne bring ms the board!"Alden sa
Grandma Palmer says as she goes to the kitchen an
le Whi
! I win!"Ad
le child beat me? impossible
n!"Addey says ."My Wish! dont forget "Addey
of what they are saying unknowingly pressing her boobs against his chest which made Glenn
brows,This child is ju
f you both,already dating? "Alden says
ust a neighbour!"Michonne says trying
me that means you already start to like him right
bours "Addey smirks as she fe
and you didn't tell me?"A
t!"Michonne breaks out in sweats as
till you die,my grand daughter is no more a virgin!"Palmer says as M
arrass her the more and he just laughed,gosh why is there no ope
he age of two because she had leukemia and I decided to take care of her " Glenn spoke up whe
d for it,for Glenn to have that mindset then he must be perfect! Glenn I give y
nn? her grand parent have r
est away!"Michonne avoids the gaze o
er?"Palmer goes to open the
ceries on the coffee table and sees
onne gets up and helps to put the groce
ey calls out andC
hy the name if she doesn't like me le
terrupt something? "Christopher says not fe
Palmer says as they go into the din
o meet me!"Addey sneers as s
ches now he really wonders
and picked up their chopstick and began
uses his chopstick and drops a piece o
nted it from Glenn .Is she starting to expect t
ove meat!"Addey picks the second meat befo
e!"Christopher puts another piece of meat but was
s really testi
got instead of eating another persons food!"Chri
m and he picks it and throws it back to her and they ke
s child's gaze S
didn't properly train her well,we'll be leavin
y when the food is unfinished, dont you
lmost close "Glenn lied he can't just say that he is jealous of Michonne male fr
go with you!" Chris said triu
her!"Addey says acting innocent asChristophe