er mother asked her mid
ear any further whatever she had to spew but then that Claire had to get back inside and bring the cat. She yelled after her that when she said Claire should gather her things, she meant everything which was why she had gone extra lengths to make certain
asked her but Claire did
. Claire smiled at him as she picked him up. At least he would play friend to her when she gets back there. She thought about it and decided to get his feeding bowl. She walked out of the hou
to reading. Jane had said she was not going to hear any of It and when he pushed his luck by reminding her that Claire was her daughter, the woman had taken his hand and p
much at least that was how it was back then until she had to frustrate him out of it. She had believed back then that Claire was only going through a phase and wanted to keep her for herself which was why she had threatened to get a restraining order against him should he continue bugging into their lives. Willows could not risk another blow to his career as
d gone bad enough, she was willing giving up on the daughter she once fought for. It was Claire he pitied right now for being born that way. But then, it was not her fault that she was like that and he wished sincerely his wife would open her eyes to see tha
raumatized for life. Jane argued that they needed to get to work and he said they would make it on time after all their work place was not so far from the airport. She had to agree eventually when she saw he was not backing down that morning. He locked the door and got into the car. F
of one of the workers at the airport. Of course it was not to make sure she was safe, that woman was rather too hateful for such emotions. Claire recko
pet in the plane but she cared less about that. She only had to look forward to her three hours forty fi