img Dangerous Woman  /  Chapter 3 Coming Home | 11.54%
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Chapter 3 Coming Home

Word Count: 3283    |    Released on: 21/12/2022


taying at the office again?" Every day she asked the same question. But today my answer will be different. I looked at my desk and gave her a small smile. "I'm going home. But before that, I want to visit the daycare center." Luna returns my smile. "I'll make sure to inform your maids that reside here that you're going home." She excuses herself before closing the door behind her. I decided to clean up my desk and grab my phone and keys. It's been a whi

ello there Elijah." Before I could do anything, someone already hitting my legs with a toy sword. "Good to see you too Isaiah." I grabbed him by the shirt and smiled at him. "NOOO! The witch caught Isa!" Elijah came running for me and hitting my legs with his little hands. It's comical to see him like this. Remind me of his father, who clearly being controlled by Rafaela. "Eli, run!" I didn't expect Isaiah to bite my hand off. I almost let go of his shirt when the

I met a baby that doesn't miss her mother that much." She probably let someone taking care of her a lot while she works before. "Whats her name?" I asked when Eliza holding her in her arms. "Herminia. But we all call her Nia." She does resemble her mother so much. "Sorry, I'm late! It's my first day and I have a lot of work thanks to the person before me." I turned around to see Claudette were out of breath. Did she run over here? "Why are you sweating and out of breath? You do know that the daycare close at 10 PM right?" I asked. Her face tells me that she just r

uld she say those things earlier." Claudette laughed it off. "Maybe you should stop, Claudette." Eliza was worried I might explode in front of her. "Oh, I'm sorry. I was babbling am I?" I shake my head no. "No, you were not. If you have any more gossip about the chairwoman, please do tell us. I would love to hear it." She shrugged. "That's it. Before we could continue, her assistant called he


t me." Bingo! She's beginning to feel uneasy about something! "What are you blabbering about?" She forces her laughter. "Well, you know, how I am a slave driver." I was waiting for her to come clean. She finally sighs in defeat. "How did you know that? Don't tell me she went to your office and tell about me." I wonder what did I ever do to her. "No. I went to the daycare center and she asked Eliza about it, in front of me. She's so innocent yes?" Maya apologize

r? Are they doing a good job?" I asked when she started to drive. "I need to train the other three a little bit more but Claudette, she's amazing! She knows what to do and how to handle things. I didn't have to explain a lot of things to her but she gets the job done. She even completed every single work that that bastard left her." I am impressed. It's not every day I heard Maya praising her worker like this. She's a bitch among bitch when it comes

urse, Luna's a different story since her parents offer their help to build the company. But, I'm sure you already pay them back for what they had done, right!" I nodded. "A promise is a promise." I smiled. "That's not the point. Do you remember how you wish to have our lifestyle? You said if I were born in your family, I would a make difference rather than laughing at stupid things." Seriously though, why does she have to remind me of the time I was too anti-social? "Seriously Maya? What's the point of this conversation though?" I fin

k a sip of the tea. Wow. "You're right." I took another sip and looked at the menu. Maybe I should order some sushi too. "Hey El, do you ever think about marrying someone?" Eh, what's with this question. "Of course. I'm a human being as well. There's a time where I thought about it. But then again, I don't think anyone would want someone who's a workaholic like I am." I laughed it off. "Really? I bet there's a lot of women out there would love to be married to you. You know, so they can spend your money that it." She chuckled. "If I have to pick, I want someon


ckage. I gathered all of my energy and went to my bedroom. Like the maid said, there's a package for me on my bed. I wonder who it's from though. "For Eloise, from Hatsu Ayame." Ayame? The Chief Administration Officer? I thought she's in Japan for one of the branch office meetings. When did she even have the time to do all this? My eyes widen when I saw the content of this package. A stack of files and even a couple of external hard drives were included. I reach for a pink card and read the content. "This is some of the proof that I manage to find while I'm here. There's no doubt, the current head of our Japanese branch office was using the money we provided for his own personal gain and se

e to fall asleep like a log. The next morning, I was awakened by a loud singing right next to my ear. When I turned to the person singing twinkle twinkle little star, he gave me a smile before continue to sing. "I'm sorry miss, it's the only way to wake you. Also, breakfast is ready." The head maid smiled before she grabs her son and walked out from my room after opening the curtains. I think my alarm clock was quite unique since it's a human being named Jonat

is school again?" I asked. The head maid looks like she wants to protest but I insisted. "Le Valley Elementary school." Oh, I know that place. I used to go there myself. "Got it. I know the road too well. Eat up, Jonathan. Mama Eloise will be sending you to school today." He seems excited. "Thank you, miss. I could just ask one of the maids who can drive to help me though." I waved it off. This is nothing. At least Jonathan here keeps my house cherry while I'm gone. "Any news from your hu

d I'll make the call. Jonathan such a lucky boy to have such a strong mother like you. Don't worry about picking him up later as well. I'll do it. And please, don't turn down my offer.

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