img Joyce of the North Woods  /  Chapter 6 No.6 | 30.00%
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Reading History

Chapter 6 No.6

Word Count: 2819    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

had a raw specimen of a parson up at his shack, in safe keeping

o think," added the train conductor, stretching his long legs in Tate's tavern, "there he was on my car, and I never sensed his ideas. Talk about entertaining angels unaware, it ain't in it! He e

hy's consumption. "I don't call it a proper attitude for a parson to appear so much like oth

aused the company

ter be what he claims to be, even if it is a pars

t. Looked at that way, they had

ful placidity-"if his marrying of Jude a

e listener

e in St. Angé getting to a c

ead sagely. "Jared's a deep one, and, taken off his guard, shows he know

" jeered Falstar, "when he talks ord

irkdale will trifle with it to suit his own ends. Jude's taking chances when he annexes Jared to his responsibilities, and don't you forget it! If that marriage ain't hide-bound,

ding but it did not sleep much. The male population discussed the day's doings and the wome

ed, and the day being Sund

Falstar, "put on real gay toggi

g lady in the place

we can leave off the long veils and put some false flowers on our bonnets-real spruce ones. They will lighten up the black. Th

f gloves in seventeen

d yer handkercher around y

they generally is in public, and then I'll h

She's a dabster at fixin' things. She's going to look real stylish. You know her mother was that way, though it was sorter knocked out of her, but the last thing she said to me was, 'Isa, I want you to put my grandmother's spe

all wiped

hem first. The second look sorter took away the shock. I do hope," Peggy sighed, "I do hope them specs was lo

"I tried 'em, and things

ed gloomily, to meet ag

ow. A hushed, golden day with a mysterious

e morning, and John Gaston had decked it within with eve

urch, opening upon the highway. His hands were plunged in his

he idea. While he stood there Gaston came and took his stand at the other narrow door. The

! don't it?

as bound to have it look as

and a curious frown settled between

mselves. Is your parson

off to commune with Na

r door, and went at once

n. "Looks like a pictur

ught to hear his gab-it's the newest thing in soul-saving. Sort o' homeopathic doctrine. Tastes good, but bitter as pisen under the coating.

and Gaston without recognition. Social functi

rough the rear door, a

ke nervous tension. Every now and then he glanced sheepishly at Joyce. Even to his sen

like a wreath upon the pale gold of the glorious hair. The face was white a

and it fell in soft lines about the slim, girlish figure. The little work-worn hands were fo

ame in, and when he saw Joyce

, but could not. It moved him powerfully not only by its

d him captive. The rough faces of the men, the pitiable, worn faces of the women, the sprinkling of freckled, childish faces

ew became obsessed with this thought. Not the consecration

in his feverish right hand. When the hour fixed upon arrived, he arose and stood besid

e desk; tried to fix his eyes and attention upon them, failed and gazed helplessly at that one face in t

enough he felt that his time had arrived. Called only by God, to a people who would never think of desiring him, he must say his word though only that pale, won

ation. It was the faculty that had made his college president point to him on more than one occasion

his world, and it's certai

" thought Gaston, and he struggled

ower wholly out of proportion to the frail body. He was getting hold of the people, to

when Death comes. The effort, the struggle, the success or failure, will be the part that they leave behind for them who remain, or who are to come later. In words strangely adapted to his listeners, that frail boy, with glorified face, was beseeching them, as they valued their future hope, as

children. He was urging the two about to marry to see to it th

The boy, pale and exhausted, was a

ambling as usual, Joyce stepping as if ha

rvices. Simple, unadorned


was awaiting every one of them. No; something had happened in St. Angé. Gaston knew it. Filmer knew it. Peggy F

stern and thoughtful. Yes; something had hap

seen the uplifted expression on Joyce's face. He had

d. Jock contemplated him from his greater hei

de the excitement that was causing the perspirat

getting out of me," Drew re

spoke are capable of holding Jude

thers could." Again t

tions of this here town. Leaving out the fact of you being you, standing up there handlin

all my

uting and


g with an outfit, adding to it, and taking away what you want, and leaving what you must; blazing trails, clearing

tree. His new strength was exhausted. Jock was

you, yourself, you can see the justice of it, and respect what sent you there, but

her; all bound on the same journey. Think back; was there never one you loved who suffered with you and for yo

s face

ker than ever, and they'll even up with you later. You've got to learn more than you've learned already. Feelings are private property and outsiders better keep off. Come home

mly by the arm,

the conversation Filmer had forced upon him, but when they we

gh the haze; "ain't there never no let

t's the be

it. Feel like toddling down t

d path slowly, and as they neare

wly, "as occasion permits, you'

ance to preach them. I'm a bit discouraged abo

that slush you've got on board that's getting my grouch. I'd rather you had a

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