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Reborn As The Hybrid Mate

Reborn As The Hybrid Mate

Author: SassyJen
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Chapter 1 Reborn As A Werewolf

Word Count: 1117    |    Released on: 17/01/2023

Reborn As

the bridge she was standing on. In the midst of grief and death, her thoughts were scattered. She was going to do it as s

layed out in front of her like a movie as she pounded the water. How she was fired from her job th

nt like a movie before

kept sinking deeper into the ocean as water flowed into her nose. As her awareness gradually faded, she caught

the water by warm hands. Was it all in her head, or di

chilly she felt all over. She finished her nap, sat up straight, and made the decision to survey her surroundings. She was in a snow-covered forest full of extra

gasp, wondering whethe

ed something else. She was met with the gaze of a young woman with white hair and a pale white face. To see if it was an illusion or her imagination, sh

e shock and horror that flooded her face. "Nooo

w foxes since she had seen on television how they ate their prey. A large wolf with brown fur that was possibly three times as big as the wolves she had previously seen o

res that filled her. She froze when someone breathed on her from behind. She turned around and

d Lake

of authority. Like the others, he sat barefoot on a large wooden chair. Nicole, who was unaware of what was happening, stood motionless, refu

e she knows who she was sent to kill."

Alpha on her and her skin scorched. "

ieve her if she said she wasn't the Eva they were familiar with. She found herself reply

ut an end to his chuckle and his expression grew stern once more. "Are you certain that you would actually complete the task?" "Yes..." She r

d make the Hybrid Alpha

e she encountered two other women. When th

ed as soon as she walked

I guess,"

ck when Talon sent you to Blood Moon; nevertheless, you

ised visiting. Olga appears to constantly be found by death

Nicole after

Alpha, don't do it..." Olga worriedly said. Alpha Alexei w

suddenly ha

r returned alive. If you go, the same fate awaits you because he killed his

overed that she was being sent to her death. Was that really her justification for at

l do

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