img Bullied By My Alpha Stepbrother  /  Chapter 2 I'm getting married | 2.50%
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Chapter 2 I'm getting married

Word Count: 1739    |    Released on: 24/01/2023



what had happened in

ould not remember meeting anyone speak back to me with

was she to ta

ot know w

l Martyrs High knew who I was. I was

fact that I am th

one to not know who I was, excep


uring, with large green eyes that reminded me of the grass on a sunny day and an innocent fa

d home and I shook my head at first, angry that she still had the a

p to me in front of the entire school

at least. No one could even br

name of standing out, had only put her under my radar. And I

before? Well because she was

seen her around. She only did not get

was, then it would be easy to find her an

soon. One thing that she would learn was that I never broke my

ked Alex and he sm

ut her. Jasmine Scott. She's in ou

y eyes at

nd I think it's none of my fucking

er or not they would be able to suck my cock or spread their

probably nothing to write home abou

Scott fell into t

n but piss me off so much. It would be so wrong if I le

ke pleasure in doing everything pos

laything for the rest of the school year

ly realizing that my cock was goin

taste good anyway," I

a couple of ways to show her that she had messed with the wrong person.

bies? Is she a member of the pack? What does she hate? Any boyfriend? These are the

then replied. "I'll do the homew

und and headed to the training camp to see my f

l and water. It had become worse over the past year a

red. If I came second in any activity, he would remind me

his expectations not long after my mother passed.

appease him and frankly, I

I was ready to be Alpha. Un

er, wearing a tee and cap that made him look unrecognizab

g, I adjusted my bag over my

y?" He asked and I fought the urge to

ace told me that he had s

to meet up here?" I replied, wondering what bad thi

the son of the Alpha was the fact that

duced but I wouldn't put it past anyone to come and inform

e black wolf of th

between us since your mothe

bout my mother since she passed away. It was a topic that neither of us ever had the co

is goi

le I watched him eagerly. My breathing

ithout letting him complete his

ll you that I have

g to. I would be stupid to expect that he would not s

s already moving on. All of it just

en seeing so

ng married. She has a daughter around your age a

because even though I stared at his mo

tting m

year and he had not only been seeing

er accept t

everything in me not to scream as I moved back to show him

my feet, my hands turning into fi

I'll only accept a new step mother

se to remain calm. I, on the other hand, was anythin

e betray mu

Because I will never accept another marriage." I said

fled out of the training camp a

together. And with her gone, nothing had been

s, I shifted into my large wolf form and continue

o be a gold digger. She and her daughter. That was the only way to exp

n a year after her death, when it still felt like yesterday whe

on when it still hurt

never accept to have a stepmother or sister, whe

ce I have given him, the minute he brings t

very difficult for them



Chapter 1 You dare challenge me Chapter 2 I'm getting married Chapter 3 Married Chapter 4 Caught Chapter 5 You little slut Chapter 6 Seen me naked Chapter 7 Just the beginning Chapter 8 Leave me alone
Chapter 9 All over me
Chapter 10 Watch your mouth
Chapter 11 Stalking me again
Chapter 12 Rumours
Chapter 13 Why do you care
Chapter 14 Panic attack
Chapter 15 Kneel down and suck
Chapter 16 Some pussy
Chapter 17 Kiss me
Chapter 18 Surprise, surprise
Chapter 19 Popular
Chapter 20 Truth or dare
Chapter 21 Moans and groans
Chapter 22 You're a virgin
Chapter 23 Twisted, closet sex
Chapter 24 Lick his wounds
Chapter 25 Ah, fuck yes
Chapter 26 Watching me
Chapter 27 Jerking off
Chapter 28 Fuck you Hardin
Chapter 29 Concerned
Chapter 30 No emotions
Chapter 31 To bed
Chapter 32 Make me stay
Chapter 33 Loosing my mind
Chapter 34 Prey
Chapter 35 Not flirting
Chapter 36 Don't stop
Chapter 37 Her fault
Chapter 38 You belong to me
Chapter 39 You're next
Chapter 40 Crazy
Chapter 41 Just shut up
Chapter 42 Call it pride
Chapter 43 Losing
Chapter 44 Drive you
Chapter 45 Find your mate
Chapter 46 Crushed
Chapter 47 Fear
Chapter 48 I'm sorry
Chapter 49 Not on my watch
Chapter 50 Undoing
Chapter 51 Well deserved
Chapter 52 In shock
Chapter 53 Bare thighs
Chapter 54 Attempted murder
Chapter 55 Trust me
Chapter 56 Up to something
Chapter 57 On edge
Chapter 58 Caught
Chapter 59 Anxiety
Chapter 60 Something in return
Chapter 61 Unsettled
Chapter 62 Pity party
Chapter 63 Full moon tonight
Chapter 64 Pregnant
Chapter 65 Scent
Chapter 66 Caught
Chapter 67 You disgust me
Chapter 68 Numb
Chapter 69 Find her
Chapter 70 Abducted
Chapter 71 Intruder
Chapter 72 Unwanted rescue
Chapter 73 Apologies
Chapter 74 Secret out
Chapter 75 Car race
Chapter 76 Battle
Chapter 77 Winner takes all
Chapter 78 Leaving
Chapter 79 Forgiven
Chapter 80 The beginning of the end
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