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Chapter 4 Four

Word Count: 1658    |    Released on: 09/02/2023


ng a friendly fight tournament your h

The king wanted me to report about the pack's abilities and he wanted to know if everyone was capable of defendi

g their best and we conduct regular training fo

week from now

," he said, and I

he pack school." I said, and got up from the chair and

necessary preparations for the event." Alpha Danie

not to make the preparations grand." I reminde

we bumped into Eunice, "There you are, I ha

g you to come here. Why

hould help you out with everything that you want to do," she repli

y stand when it comes to my mate. You know t

on't know whether will come or not?" S

ome, I just misse

l we know, she was already dead." She replie

telling you that there'

o if you still like to have your tongue intact, you better hold it.

king with us as she wrapped her arms around mine. Just as we turned, I saw the future beta together with the she-w

ee her eyes. It was natural for them to act that way because I am the Ly

thought that they were together intimately and thinking

nly felt her anger. She said she remembered something and the futu

mouth and my beast wanted to break her neck an

o go to their classroom. As they walked away, I saw her leaning her head

alm her myself. We went to different classes to see how everything was going on and t

eing together and no lycan or she-wolf made

wonder where Freya's room was. She doesn't have a wolf, so I'm sure that she will not be participating in

itement in their eyes. But I am disappointed with the future alpha

r Alpha Daniel to make his son the next Alpha. No matter where I

Clay was a lot better, but I doubt that Alpha Daniel will let him take the position. Even t

of shit of a pack? They were beneath us and wer

e to protect them and make sure that they are fine and OK. We are here to ensure their safety and not to enslave them.

u****g her and nothing else. I won

Lycan told me, again. And I sta

that they were on their way to their class. My beastn bec

stiffen and again, I wondered why. The other students turned to see me as well and bowed their heads while she still had her head down. I wanted to use a royal command so she

to say it, I still did, "I see, maybe he was her mate." Then the whole class teased them a

knew that she was looking at Clay right then. Then Eunice had to open her mouth again and she added to my anger plus my Lycan's animosity towards h

s I said. He knew that my beast was near to the surface and he didn't

g.." Eunice said, but Calvin

ll be held in the pack. Everyone is welcome to join us and I would be happy if many of you would be there

iding something from me as well as from the others. I could still hear Clay and Alec asking her i

ow and assess everyone's ability and strength. Although Freya won't be joining, I w

vent to commence. He lowered his head and whispered, "Freya is joining," he sai



Chapter 1 One Chapter 2 Two Chapter 3 Three Chapter 4 Four Chapter 5 Five Chapter 6 Six Chapter 7 Seven
Chapter 8 Eight
Chapter 9 Nine
Chapter 10 Ten
Chapter 11 Eleven
Chapter 12 Twelve
Chapter 13 Thirteen
Chapter 14 Fourteen
Chapter 15 Fifteen
Chapter 16 Sixteen
Chapter 17 Seventeen
Chapter 18 Eighteen
Chapter 19 Nineteen
Chapter 20 Twenty
Chapter 21 Twenty-One
Chapter 22 Twenty-Two
Chapter 23 Twenty-Three
Chapter 24 Twenty-Four
Chapter 25 Twenty-Five
Chapter 26 Twenty-Six
Chapter 27 Twenty-seven
Chapter 28 Twenty-eight
Chapter 29 Twenty-nine
Chapter 30 Thirty
Chapter 31 Thirty-one
Chapter 32 Thirty-two
Chapter 33 Thirty-three
Chapter 34 Thirty-Four
Chapter 35 Thirty-Five
Chapter 36 Thirty-Six
Chapter 37 Thirty-Seven
Chapter 38 Thirty-Eight
Chapter 39 Thirty-Nine
Chapter 40 Forty
Chapter 41 Forty-One
Chapter 42 Forty-Two
Chapter 43 Forty-Three
Chapter 44 Forty-Four
Chapter 45 Forty-Five
Chapter 46 Forty-Six
Chapter 47 Forty-Seven
Chapter 48 Forty-Eight
Chapter 49 Forty-Nine
Chapter 50 Fifty
Chapter 51 Fifty-One
Chapter 52 Fifty-Two
Chapter 53 Fifty-Three
Chapter 54 Fifty-Four
Chapter 55 Fifty-Five
Chapter 56 Fifty-Six
Chapter 57 Fifty-Seven
Chapter 58 Fifty-Eight
Chapter 59 Fifty-Nine
Chapter 60 Sixty
Chapter 61 Sixty- One
Chapter 62 Sixty-Two
Chapter 63 Sixty-Three
Chapter 64 Sixty-Four
Chapter 65 Sixty-Five
Chapter 66 Sixty-Six
Chapter 67 Sixty-Seven
Chapter 68 Sixty-Eight
Chapter 69 Sixty-Nine
Chapter 70 Seventy
Chapter 71 Seventy-One
Chapter 72 Seventy-Two
Chapter 73 Seventy-Three
Chapter 74 Seventy-Four
Chapter 75 Seventy-Five
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