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Chapter 4 Ex Boyfriend

Word Count: 810    |    Released on: 17/02/2023

as very lucky because even though I was deprived o

I will still try even if it is very unlikely t

n was busy playing on his cellphone. I, on the other hand, was sitting next t

d what I was doing so even w

ave something t

so fast and he knew I wa

.e... Wha

u in debt? Ho

-no, I wo

ou were just s

with you, they knew that I was working with you. Because when we were still in high school, they had a crush on you so they

who had a crush on me then? Is that

crushing on you!"

ugh he was staring at his cellphone screen. I

em, I'm not your

was so happy and proud of me. I also spent several years studying while working as Sean's assistant. There are times when I get tired and struggle because I'm often awake and tired. Because Sean was always running away from me, he was involved in the gimmicks of the gang. I

There weren't many people then and it was late at night. Someone told me that Sean had a friend in that place who invited him to drin

ed behind me because I really felt that someone had followed me. Because I hear some rustling of feet. But when I look back, I see nothing but the quiet place. I thought I shoul

cted, his hair is tangled as if he hasn't bathed. His clothes were dirty and his boxer shorts were tor

ear I feel, I re

is my bag..." I said

istake. It stared at me from head to toe, it looks like it doesn't just need a bag because it's

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