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Chapter 6 What On Earth Are You Trying To Do

Word Count: 1224    |    Released on: 05/01/2023

on-in-law," Kathryn pouted at the desse

come to give Will

was sur

bout what had happened at the bar yesterday. But he did know that Kathryn h

wo of them wouldn't

expect the two of the

y out of Leonel'

have a

ed for Leonel

ghts. He sat down at Willard's

o have a pudding? Let

o, thank you. Since you've specially prep

d, and she glanced at

see that Willard's

but grin. She had disc

rd wa

legs and changed the subject. "Are you here to t

lizing in retro makeup. It was recently purchased by the Ram

xt year, but if the company continued to lose money, then his efforts would be in

Kathryn didn't care le

Willard had come up with two plans to

them. She sat to one side

me to admire Willard's business sense. She realized

Willard in front of her, claimin

rved to be h

ter, their conve

s shoulder and said with a grin, "If you're free th

ess, Willard nodded a

u off, Dad," o

Just spend some mor

gently stroke his daughter's hair

two of them left

e became a li

ook at Willard and

ts for you. Don't yo

with pensive eyes be

eating the desserts,

hermal box and read

d, "Willard, will you be

by her big, beautiful eyes

ments lying on the table and l

eeting this


e disappointed, but

time. You must have dinner with me today." Kathryn leaned closer and w

ath hitched i

is senses, Kathryn

ation remained, where he

lard murmured to hims

are you trying

up, Kathryn decided to head stra

She had to find a way to ease the strain o

shopping mall for a bit be

ingerie store on

of sexy underwear and asked the shop assistant to pack them all after

t home with

driveway of the villa, h

was parked in front

. He was wearing a simple whit

and bright eyes, a no

htly that her knuckles turned white. She


Edmund had already gotten out

his usual gentle

idn't say

ng on. He asked in confusion, "

er best to cont

re you

the news. The media's full of nonsense. Don't worry too much a

t h

bear the thought

he was so horrible to him, Willar

d up with Caylee to drive a w

thinking Willard was cruel to her

eyes to feign tears and complained, "Yes, you're right.

don't have to be afraid of him, Kathy. If he tries

's true colors, she would have tr

d at acting, but, it tu

ntertainment industry, they would certainly

t couldn't stand up today. Don't you think he's gone too far? It was my first time, but he

ened. He could no longer

so bothered? Do you als



Chapter 1 All These Are A Trap Chapter 2 Meet Willard Again Chapter 3 Caylee Came Chapter 4 Teach Her A Lesson Chapter 5 Pleasing Or Using Chapter 6 What On Earth Are You Trying To Do Chapter 7 What Happens To Me Chapter 8 I'm Not Going To Divorce You
Chapter 9 Is She trying To Poison You
Chapter 10 Can You Do Me A Favor
Chapter 11 Dad, Watch Out For Uncle Elwood And The Lambert Family
Chapter 12 Willard, Why Do You Often Say Things You don't Mean
Chapter 13 Can I Have A Baby With You
Chapter 14 Do You Even Know How Much He Owes Us
Chapter 15 Uncle Brady, Is There Anything You Want To Ask Me
Chapter 16 I Wasn't Trying To Divorce You
Chapter 17 Bidding
Chapter 18 It's Nice To Be Married
Chapter 19 Fall Fashion Show Of Rosalind
Chapter 20 Find A Way To Get Kathryn To Eat This
Chapter 21 Why Did You Marry Me
Chapter 22 What Should We Do With Caylee
Chapter 23 Cats Hide Their Claws
Chapter 24 Rosalind's Fashion Show
Chapter 25 Show Some Respect To My Wife
Chapter 26 The Food You Fed Me Tastes Different
Chapter 27 Find Out Who Is Behind All This
Chapter 28 You Know Brayan
Chapter 29 The Kidnapping
Chapter 30 It's Mrs. Ellsworth
Chapter 31 How Could Kathy Be Kidnapped
Chapter 32 The Fish Is On The Hook
Chapter 33 Then I'll Coax You
Chapter 34 Are You Going To Make An Enemy Out Of Everyone
Chapter 35 You Want Me To Get On My Knees
Chapter 36 Willard Must Have Taken Good Care Of You
Chapter 37 A Restless Night
Chapter 38 You're Going To Let Her Go
Chapter 39 The Invitation Of The Lambert Family
Chapter 40 How One Should Court You Then
Chapter 41 I Trust My Own Judgment
Chapter 42 Don't Shed Crocodile Tears In Front Of Me, Kathryn
Chapter 43 Won't Let Kathryn Go
Chapter 44 Sylvia
Chapter 45 It Was Kathryn Who Had Ruined Her!
Chapter 46 Kathryn Was Deliberately Playing Tricks On Me
Chapter 47 How To Please A Woman
Chapter 48 Why Are You Following Us
Chapter 49 Kathryn, You Bitch!
Chapter 50 Incriminating Evidence
Chapter 51 Why Are You Here
Chapter 52 My Wedding Will Take Place This Year
Chapter 53 Sweet Revenge
Chapter 54 Kathy, Why Are You Dressed Like That
Chapter 55 Hacking Into The Lambert Group's Internet System
Chapter 56 She Would Forever Be A Coward In Her Eyes
Chapter 57 Had Kathryn Been Visiting Rodney
Chapter 58 Sylvia Is In My Grandpa's Good Books
Chapter 59 How Dare You Rile Her Up Again
Chapter 60 Honeymoon
Chapter 61 What Do You Want To Do With It
Chapter 62 The Grand Finale
Chapter 63 I Don't Know Any Ivan Howard
Chapter 64 Ram, The Talented Fashion Designer
Chapter 65 Why Does Kathy Want To Boost His Popularity
Chapter 66 The Situation Here Is Different
Chapter 67 Leonora Brooks
Chapter 68 Did Kathryn Know Brayan's Background
Chapter 69 She Was Actually Looking Forward To The Wedding Ceremony
Chapter 70 Did Something Good Happen
Chapter 71 How Can You Not Allow Me To Protect My Grandson
Chapter 72 Who Was Behind Annis
Chapter 73 My Little Naughty, What Are You Thinking About All Day
Chapter 74 I Like Willard, And I Want To Marry Him
Chapter 75 Retaliate
Chapter 76 Kathy, Don't You Want To Be Friends With Me Now
Chapter 77 Why Was There An Ambulance Here
Chapter 78 Aren't I Your Sister
Chapter 79 Why Are You Here
Chapter 80 I'll Make Them Regret They Were Born
Chapter 81 Bitch, I Will Kill You
Chapter 82 I'm Not Dating Cay
Chapter 83 What Are You Doing
Chapter 84 What Did She Give You
Chapter 85 What Happened
Chapter 86 What Had Happened
Chapter 87 Do You Suspect I Drugged You
Chapter 88 Is Sylvia Still Residing At Your Place
Chapter 89 Being Punished
Chapter 90 Locked Up In A Cage
Chapter 91 Even If Sylvia Hadn't Been Hurt, Someone Else Would Have Been
Chapter 92 It Was Kathryn Who Kidnapped Me!
Chapter 93 Trying To Benefit From The Aftermath
Chapter 94 Win His Trust And Seduce Him
Chapter 95 Do You Take Us For Fools
Chapter 96 Surprise
Chapter 97 Proposal
Chapter 98 Grandpa Wants You To Go Back
Chapter 99 Trying On Wedding Dresses
Chapter 100 Who Was Ram
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