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Chapter 2 Bela

Word Count: 1466    |    Released on: 22/03/2023

a we went ho

the long road, L

rom schoo

e that whole

I must

ing can be seen with your e

ed at wh

k! It sa

hit his shoulder at the same ti

believe ahh, d

arry Mateo, I will make you the guardian of all th

what a beautiful

with me, right? I walked with him

ll did your grandf

y hand from

's big, and you get hit! Why are you wh

nswer you, you're

don't have the same time next year when

ompany you, I'll drop you of

aig still ha

ou were lazy to ente

didn't get in either. Then sometimes he would force me to come in even if I didn't have any money just so I wou

. I peeked through the opening of the gate and th

on the side of the

hind me lucas maybe my

s he followed but he didn'

ou going to

, maybe we'll

hed Mateo who was currently sitting outside and had earphones in his ears, it l

's nothing to gain, j

will come later, he s

couldn't do anythin

ateo stood up a


s: o

ft me, he w

hen grabbed me by the

drama! Bea

im. I really crush on him. Then I want to write to him, that's why I'm shy, I don't

ere walking, he just looked at me and frowned

ourt, we were surprised

s!! Take your fath

were sudde

: Huh

ked,, because the we

enly hande

wards the tricycle th

the same, I want to

e is no place to sit. Because

didn't get to say goodbye to your

: but

o what I had to sa

d at the lea

n money, especially now that his father has been attacked. Maybe lu

, I thought more about myself, who had no one to go with, because

und mom and dad talki

ed why mom

Mom, why

, it's n

you burst into tears fo

e room, and sa

t keep it a se

ecret w

er you like it or not, grandma will s

I don't wan

f you finish high school, your chances of getting into a good job are still very small

tomorrow and I'll t

ust here with mom.. I ran to mom and there I stopped. " Nay!!

erly who are no longer able to work are being taken away from them. Earlier, Lucas' father was attacked, he was among those who were fired because they also had nothing

is still young, h

d act quickly, it's a waste of money they pay if others just d

't want you, gran

e for you, so we want you to finish, we should make sacrifices for you, even if it's hard for a mother to be separated from her child,

ea sco

ttle patient, and you will get used to being away from us when your father is

want to leave!! Even if I can

away until I was rated in the jungle,, there I sat

! My life is here, my friend is here"! It's okay if I don'

lace. ! I'm screaming at the top of my lun

was walking home,, I had to cry and

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