img If I Don't Hurt You  /  Chapter 5 Commotion In The Cafeteria | 10.64%
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Chapter 5 Commotion In The Cafeteria

Word Count: 1321    |    Released on: 02/04/2023

, why did you suddenly help me while


u all this time, how cute," Elin squealed while shaking Sia's shoulder excitedly. F

lips pursed forward until a few centimete

s were indeed true. All the students' gazes were directed towards her. And the majority of

as so embarrassed and uncomfortable be

spered right in Elin's ear. She glanced around, and it wa

ill feel at home here," Elin replie

straction to pretend to be busy. All she could do now was look down as sh

l phone, and now Sia was even more i

u going to do? I'm sorry for those who didn't get a place," Sia scolde

on that Elin did that either. She just wanted her best friend to be the center of attention. Seeing Sia so beaut

she was so embarrassed she couldn't stand it. She hung

ey realized someone had taken a seat right in front of t

girl who was smiling at her. She couldn't help but return it with a bitter smile,

izing the girl's face with an intimidating

, here's y

e girl who was talking earlier. Apparently she was not alone, th

ance was so striking that Sia was amused by it. As if she didn't have the courage

aid Sashi, the girl who f

Sia and Elin instantly looked at each other; they had so many questions they were hiding. A few seconds l

e, Sashi's gaze returned to Sia, who w

t tell me you don't know who I am!" said Sashi in her sign

quette at all. Sia felt uncomfortable about her presence here, espec

table, Elin felt it too. Sia tried to gat

half a glass of orange juice, and after that, she spilled the

ked her beyond belief. Indeed, Sia hadn't touched the

. However, she still acted as if nothing ha

in a contrived voice, her palm covering her mou

na, the girl who came from the

ught Selly's attention,

't want to cause trouble. She also didn't care abou

i and her minions had done was unforgivable. Once her

e here, what do we

lin's words a few seconds ago successfully mad

with an overly loud remark. Her voice drew the attention of the peopl

e, you're just an unimportant piece of trash,

. But it's not Elin if she doesn't insist on what she wants.

ust doing it on purpose. Please forgive my fri

tention to me, you're pretty! "Look at y

ke that," Elin retorted, getting even more angry while stari

of the two girls in front of her, Sashi did

However, a few seconds later, Sia didn't even feel anything, she didn't feel any part of her body wet. I

wever, she was so shocked, she hurriedly rolled her

dn't feel any wetness on her body because she was now protected by a tall guy. The i

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