for her birthday. Stefan returns home to warn Damon to stop tracking them by killing Andie. Stefan later calls Elena, but does not say anything and she promises she will f
ine saves him. Back in Mystic Falls, Damon finds out Bill is impervious to compulsion and wants control of the Council. He temporarily kills Alaric but Alaric comes back to life. Damon then tries to kill Bill but Caroline saves her father by giving him her blood and has a fight with Damon. Meanwhile, Bonnie returns to Mystic Falls and Jeremy tells her about seeing his ex-girlfriends as ghosts. Stefan also tries to find out what Klaus and his sister Rebekah are running from. The answer turns out to be Mikael. Katherine steals Elena's necklace that can contact the Original Witch and teams up with Damon. Klaus brings Stefan back to Mystic Falls to find out what he is hiding.A senior prank night takes a deadly turn when Klaus finds out that Elena is still alive. Klaus threatens Elena by feeding Tyler his blood and kills him. He tells Bonnie that if she does not find a way to create hybrids, Tyler dies. He also tells Stefan to feed on Elena. Stefan tries to stop his urge, but Klaus makes him turn off his emotions and feed on her. Klaus finds out that Elena's blood is needed to create more hybrids. Meanwhile, Katherine and Damon go on a road trip to find a way to kill Klaus. Katherine remembers that Pearl told her about Mikael, the vampire hunter who was also a vampire. Matt, in an attempt to connect with Vicki, commits suicide. In a vision he sees her, and she tells him she can come back to life and has a message for Bonnie. Elena is in the hospital while a nurse, compelled by Klaus, takes her blood. Klaus is waiting to abduct Elena, but he flees when Damon tells him that Mikael is coming. Damon then saves Elena. Moments later, Stefan returns. Jeremy and Katherine find Mikael's tomb and watch as he opens his eyes.506"Elena and her friends begin their senior year of high school and she remembers that it has been one year since she met Stefan. Elena is frustrated by her helplessness, so she convinces Alaric to teach her about protecting herself from vampires. Mikael wakes up and bites Katherine. Bonnie and Jeremy are having issues since Je
o her, leaving Elena with conflicting emotions, Elena then stakes Rebekah leaving her unable to attend the Homecoming dance, Meanwhile, Damon and Elena team up with Mikael to come up with a plan to kill Klaus. They leave Stefan behind, afraid of him betraying them. Tyler warns Caroline that Klaus is prepared for whatever they plan to do, but vervains her to keep her out of it. Damon and Tyler fight, but Bonnie keeps them from killing each other. Mikael tries to lure Klaus out of the house by threatening and then killing Elena, revealed in the end to be Katherine. Damon reveals he has the White Oak stake and tries to stake Klaus. However Klaus is saved by Stefan as he pushes Damon out of the way. Klaus then stakes Mikeal leaving him to burn to death, revealing Stefan has now earned his freedom from compulsion. Tyler tells Caroline it is better being sired to Klaus because he does not have to turn any more. Stefan is revealed to be working with Katherine. Katherine had woken Stefan in order to save Damon from Klaus' hybrids, who were ordered to kill him in case of his death. Stefan managed to care enough to save him, thanks to Katherine convincing him. Stefan is finally able to trap Klaus in a conflicting position by taking his daggered family from.Bonnie has a dream about the witches' massacre house, where she finds the coffins of the Originals. One coffin opens and she sees the body of Klaus with the Original Witch's necklace. Back in reality, Stefan asks Bonnie for help in hiding the coffins fro
Klaus gives in and Stefan stops the car. Stefan and Elena fight about his methods and he reveals he does not care about what she thinks of him any more. Klaus goes to save Caroline after Tyler tells him what he did. Klaus tells Caroline of the joys of being a vampire and lets her decide if she wants to be saved. She tells him she does not want to die, so he feeds her his blood to save her. Jeremy left Mystic Falls as he was compelled by Damon and Caroline wakes to find a bracelet left by Klaus. Elena goes back to Wickery Bridge and says good-bye to the Elena that was supposed to die with her parents. Dr. Fell's ex-boyfriend is found dead in the woods with a stake in his heart although he is not a vampire.Bonnie realizes she needs to find her mother, Abby, to get the sealed coffin open. Tyler gets Bill to come and help him resist the sire bond. Klaus negotiates with Stefan to control the coffins of his family members. Elena and Bonnie go to see Abby and meet Jamie, a surrogate son of Abby's. Abby returns and tells them she is the one that desiccated Mikael. Damon investigates Dr. Meredith Fell and the
vening of violence and dashed hopes, Damon finds a new way to cope by sleeping with Rebecca After Elena finds out about Damon's latest indiscretion, she second guesses helping to kill the Originals and is frustrated with her friends for not agreeing with her. Elijah confronts her and reveals he knows she lied. He then leaves Elena in a cave. Meanwhile, Bonnie and her mother, Abby, find themselves playing a part in a ritual to appease the spirits of nature (by killing all the Original vampires with a spell requiring 2 generations of Bennett witches). Rebekah keeps Elena in the cave as Elijah goes to Stefan and Damon. Elijah tells them they can either stop Esther from completing the ritual by killing either Bonnie or Abby or Rebekah kills Elena. This they turn to Meredith and Alaric for help in killing Kol which ends up dagger the others linked to him. Elena escapes from Rebekah's watch and hides in the cave where no vampires can enter. Klaus finds out about the ritual as well. Rebekah tries to set Elena on fire but Elena reasons with her before she can. Klaus, Elijah, and Kol find Esther and Finn about to complete the ritual. Damon and Stefan find Bonnie and Abby and decide the only solution is for Damon to turn Abby, thus preventing her to be a witch anymore. Stefan reveals he has not had human blood since he almost drove Elena off the bridge. Elijah writes Elena a letter of apology and realizes they are not as good as they think they are. Kol flees, Elijah says he is leaving, and Esther and Finn have fled their family. Rebekah realizes the White Oak tree is still out there. Alaric wakes to find his weapon and case files so Meridith shoots him.In 1912, Zachariah Salvatore, a council member is murdered in the same way they have been in present day. Flash forward, Alaric has been put into jail by the Sheriff after Meredith said he came at her with a knife and she had to shoot him. The present-day murders in Mystic Falls remind Damon of a similar crime spree a century earlier. In flashbacks to 1912, Stefan and Damon attend Zachariah's funeral and learn he was not the first council member murdered. Rebekah searches for the White Oak tree in town and she needs the Salvatores to find it. Damon recalls a beautiful vampire, named Sage (Cassidy Freeman). Elena questions Meredith, who reveals she knows more about Alaric's past than Elena does. Elena and Matt break into Meredith's apartment and find a secret box of files on the Council members. Sage shows Damon a whole new way to exist: a woman is not only a prey, but also a pleasure. Matt and Elena find a Gilbert journal that belonged to the original Jonathan Gilbert's granddaughter, but Meredith came home before they could search more and she catches them. Rebekah and Damon follow Stefan as Damon feeds on a girl, trying to force him into feeding on a woman in order to learn how to fight his urges. Elena and Matt find Stefan feeding on the woman but Matt pulls her away. Elena and Matt go back to her house, where Matt gives her back the Gilbert journal. Alar
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