proper for his wife to travel to the UK for scholarship why you stayed back and just watch no I won't allow it I can't allow my wife to grab the scholarship or else she will just forget me and follow other me mostly now that she haven't even giving birth no I won't take this risk I must act first Nanthy hurriedly left to see the administrative officer in his wife School regarding scholarship sir I don't think my wife can take the scholarship let it be given to someone else that deserve it more better than her why do you think your wife don't deserve this scholarship sir the administrative officer ask him with so much audacity she does not need it please I can't afford to take her to any educational level but for this scholarship I don't think she needs it no th
will be at stake and I will also lose my money no I will not try it. When he got home that evening told his wife that she should forget about the scholarship but why she asked curiously I said forget about it he responded no I won't forget about the scholarship after all I have worked so hard all my night of Reading and my research you're telling me that I should forget about the scholarship know I won't forget about it my dear husband I said you will not take th
and his husband behind who does that I will I ever know you are going for a scholarship your intention is not so to go and run after other men? She responded family you said husband what kind of husband are you did I tell you I wanted to marry you came and got me into an unwanted marriage and unwanted love unexpected marriage unexpected love and you expect me to tie my hands and my leg and watch my dream go down the drain because I am married did I tell you and my parents that I ever wanted to marry the guy do I look like someone ready for marriage I never begged you to come and marry me. You came flaunting your miserable wealth around my family. let me tell you, you can't buy me forever even if yo
, and Amina haven't returned home, Nanthy promised to make her grounded, so she will never attend school again whenever she returned home. maybe I shouldn't have allowed her to be schooling what was I even thinking to have a load her into a school knowing fully well how America How was I thinking of spending my money to enroll her into school when I know very well the rea
r I make you lose your job but the gateman refused she stayed back to wait till her husband returns but unfortunately for her, he didn't return now the thought of running away to a place where no one will ever find her came into her mind she thought of her need to live in a school compound but the second thought she was scared that her husband might come in looking for her there what if I go to our administrative offic