img Too Late To Confess  /  Chapter 3 Stifling Pain | 13.04%
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Chapter 3 Stifling Pain

Word Count: 2266    |    Released on: 18/04/2023

e boy immediately picked up the incoming call. It was rare for this person to contact him via cell phone

shouted loudly to Erza. When Erza looked up from his cell phone, he

plied no less loudly, which was understandable because th

ow had space again, and the boy hurriedly shifted the green icon on his cell phone screen. The phone line finally conn

ved to a rather fragile wooden chair

been? It took you so l

e when he had just landed on the chair. The boy frowned, confused

a little business with my friend. By the way, why did

. "There's no need to ask a lot of

ened, no longer leaning on the chair, he wa


hardening, his teeth suddenly gnashing loudly. Without Jaka explaining further, Erza knew

w hardened. The boy felt unstable, his emotions were

all. When his mother was mentioned in Jaka's words, Erza already

The signal is bad there, isn't it?" Jaka spo

s came out was hoarse and filled with anguish. Erza w

length here, you s

w. And you don't need to explain an

r, I can't do anything here, I can only tell you t

ything, Jaka is just a neighbor, and Erza and his fami

u for contacting me, I'

dered, to which Erza replied with a nod of his head eve

ked vehicle. Erza ran haphazardly and too hastily, his chest rose

oden beam was just sticking out and blocking the bo

up the wood and then threw it away from him.

ar from his position. It was only a f

dy thinking about the unknown, something bad was waiting for his head. Erza just knew it. He could do no wrong. As for his

ed the steering wheel after not finding hi

at brutal, full speed. Erza thought of nothing but his m

od at controlling the four-wheeled vehicle. Erza swallowe

rs, Erza didn't care. At least for now. He wanted to be selfish for once. Erza

lf. His focus was completely split this time, betw

, feeling relieved that he was still safe. It felt like the road was getting further away

ertainly not have left home. But, he didn't kno

. Parking the car in the spacious courtyard of the house, Erza slammed the c

feet now on the marble floor, the boy rus

which fortunately was not locked. The sound o

cted to one point. The boy let out his breath, then stormed towards

za shoute

rza was sure was the result of someone slapping her. Then, her eyes were swollen from crying too much. Not st

ts of his mother's body. The woman before

His mother still kept her lips tightly shut. Nonetheless, Erza knew the an

and that bastard. Why does he always torture mom like this?!" Er

d let him know what he's doing is wrong. He can't just do whatever he wants because he's rich

ed, squatting right in front of his mother. However, his mo

always keep quiet when he tortures you like this?" Erza's eye

already better able to control his emotions at this point. "Come on, mo

is mother was very shaken at the moment, as she often was. Therefore, Erza chose to ignore all the answers

t something that only makes you feel sad and hurt. I don't want to see you like this, mom. I love yo

t too, you just call me if you need anything; I w

elt better than being silent without responding. After a f

eyes closed. How long was this going to take? That

He was feeling very hurt right now. Erza didn't know, perhaps it would nev

efresh his body. He also needed enough rest, not to mention if he had to go t

into his mother's room. His mother looked asleep, her eyes perfectly closed,

out his mother's suffering. Erza had suffered too,

e only to torment his mother, berate her, and swear

d more of a jerk and ignorant. That's w

want to do much about it. She just accepted it willingly when she was be

was very kind to his family and his mother. But things didn

is stepfather was being so mean. There were too man

's not my father, my father is dead. He's just an idiot and a jerk

soared into t

that already had an answer. "Ha, at his mistress' house, of course. He came back just t

father had to fight back. Erza was not willing to be

ey, or acquaintances with tough people. He's just a stupid m

sfaction in cursing like

Erza squeaked, his voice break

hell, I can't stand living in this place anymore. I and my mom have to leave immediately." Erza was det

he and his mother were exper

za didn't ask too much, did he? If

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