nce 4am this morning and it was now almost 7pm and we still haven't made it to the Crystal Wolf Lake Reserve. I'm pretty sure that my legs are numb and I'm pretty sure my ass died 4 hours ago. We were supposed to be preforming for a mating anniversary and also planning something they called a mating ceremony for our good friend Lateri Crystal who took our dance class t
We also added self-defense classes with our best friend Lynn who is a bad ass at everything crossbow, shooting, sword, and martial art and yes, she's BBW as well we met her in college, and we have been training with her for the past 5 years. Yes, we can do it all. We have to work twice as hard, and we have our limits, but we always said work smarter not harder. So we had to learn how to use our skills differently. We train every day and although we're not as good as Lynn but please UNDERSTAND we can damn sure make her ass stumble. And that's saying a lot since she was black and Asian who has been training since she came out of the womb. She would have been with us in this damn forest, but she had family stuff, so she won't get here until tomorrow. But we do have her toys in the trunk just in case we h
y mating and performed for her anniversary. We essentially declined, due to the fact that she was halfway across the country, and we would be losing money if we tried to plan that at our rates. But she wouldn't take no for an answer and offered us damn near what we would make in a year. So here we are, we flew as far as we could and rented a car to travel the rest of the way which is where we are at the present time lost as hell. "Look pull over so we can get Lynn's guns out the trunk because it's getting dark and although I'll be scared as hell even with a gun I'm still gone be scared as hell but hopefully fear will make me pull the trigger and not freeze and be mauled by a bear or a damn mountain loin. That would be some fucked up shit for 3 black women to be killed in a damn forest you know damn well black fol
w Lynn not giving us no damn break you remember what happened last year when we took a week off to vacation in the Bahamas, we damn near died when we got back in the studio especially because we did out classes and hers." I shuddered at the remembered pain in every part of my body fingernails included we literally crawled
need to move quick if they try and kidnap us." I said half serious because you never know in these damn woods. But here we fucking go. I don't know why but I feel like this is about to be some weird shit we're not use to. I hope we're not walking into some type of hippy weird stuff where folk walk around wi