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Chapter 3 Down the memory lane

Word Count: 2329    |    Released on: 16/05/2023

or the bus to drive off fast leaving her behind. Thinking it was some kind of prank they were pulling on her, she c

picked transport to the airport so she decided to take the only track which she only rem

rent routes thinking she had found h

camp lodge but she ends up arriving

ter how she tried, then it dawn on her that she has lost her way. Scared as she looked around the wood which was full of mangroves and other thick trees she can't f

ng her but she tried to shrug all

picking up her luggage and continuing walking th

rp scratch on her leg. Bending down to examin

sigh looking around to un

s one of the trees. She opened her bag bringing out her FIRST AID BOX, she applied

and the evil smirks they give t

eir hands. She swallow the lumps in her throat; listening to the thunderous heartbeat, she was very scared, dropping her bag

she could but was dragged back immediatel

How fast ca

as she feels her body hitting on

she felt a strong hand grabbing her neck and lifting her to the trees. She kicked and kicked, scratching the arm holdin

lood dropped from her mouth


at him without being told is the leader. As they patrol the forest, their work is to check for any intruder be it a beast or any

inspect and pick up the lugga

of the riders named Samie immediately he

ever said anything as they debat

s out which is of a murderous rage coupled with his

gh the forest as if he

moved to his horse, climbing on it without looking at his men. "We move North". Without a care

One of the men who looked like the second in

North" Boyld cut him o

s look, picking up the luggage, he carefully stacked it up on the hor

r bearings. She looked around and realized the place was empty, dark, and surrounded by mangroves. The owl cried, scaring her the more. She tried to move her hands but it was backwardly tied tog

ent cage like a monkey. She struggled within herself to at least free herself but her body is too weak to respond, hot tears cl

wake," one of the men wi

ear. His hoarse bloodlust voice sends a bang to her heart and

ery eyes ripped the cage off, shooting her bloo

rabbing her neck as she had thought earlier. She feel her hand free

ady grabbed her neck and tossed her outside like a piece of cloth. She screamed in pain, coughing out blood as she feels th

fall due to her lack

was drenched, she felt the pain, shock, and a whole lot of emotions laying down there and hopelessly staring at the hulky men who held her hostage. Tears rolled down her face, her heart bleed and her head ache from all this pain as if th

a single human empathy, makes her wonder if they are humans. She doesn't have any strength left again, all she do was mumble prayers upon

of the riders named Samie immediately he

ever said anything as they debat

s out, which is of a murderous rage coupled with hi

gh the forest as if he

He moved to his horse, climbing on it without looking at his men. "We move North". Without a ca

One of the men who looked like the second in

g North" Boyld cut him

is look, picking up the luggage, he carefully stacked it up on the hor


rings. Furthermore, she looked around and realized the place was empty, dark, and surrounded by mangroves. The owl cried, scaring her the more. She tried to move her hands, but they were backwardly tied

t cage like a monkey. She struggled within herself to at least free herself, but her body was too weak to respond, hot tears clou

wake," one of the men wi

ear. His hoarse bloodlust voice sends a bang to her heart and

ery eyes ripped the cage off, shooting her bloo

grabbing her neck as she had thought earlier. She felt her hand fr

an already grabbed her neck and tossed her outside like a piece of cloth. She screamed in pain, coughing out blood as she feels

fall due to her lack

was drenched, she felt the pain, shock, and a whole countless emotions laying down there and hopelessly staring at the husky men who held her hostage. Tears rolled down her face, her heart bled and her headache from all this pain. As if tha

a single human empathy, makes her wonder if they are humans. She didn't have any strength left again, all she did was mumble prayers upon



Chapter 1 Safe Chapter 2 Doubting Chapter 3 Down the memory lane Chapter 4 Painful as Hell Chapter 5 Drops makes the difference Chapter 6 Cold Blooded Chapter 7 Decisive pt 1 Chapter 8 Decisive pt 2 Chapter 9 Attempt Chapter 10 I want to live Chapter 11 Clue with a doubt
Chapter 12 Mysterious dream
Chapter 13 Should we give her a chance
Chapter 14 Plans
Chapter 15 Nightmare in the dream
Chapter 16 Hope in distress
Chapter 17 Don't tell me what to do.
Chapter 18 The strange Boy
Chapter 19 Behave or
Chapter 20 Illusion and Mysterious aura
Chapter 21 Nomed Demood
Chapter 22 The beautiful beast
Chapter 23 The sudden watchman and his kinky thoughts
Chapter 24 I hate McCall
Chapter 25 Don't do that which you might regret
Chapter 26 Stop getting on my nerves
Chapter 27 Riana and Diana Who
Chapter 28 Chili Pepper Saga
Chapter 29 Rock, Paper, Scissors
Chapter 30 Deja Vu
Chapter 31 Clever
Chapter 32 Incoherent
Chapter 33 The Necklace
Chapter 34 Danger lurking
Chapter 35 Scintillating thoughts
Chapter 36 Keeping on eye on her
Chapter 37 A taste of his anger
Chapter 38 The beginning
Chapter 39 My voice my identity
Chapter 40 Chioma the druid girl.
Chapter 41 Armstrong and Mellisa
Chapter 42 Enchanted
Chapter 43 How dangerous is Armstrong
Chapter 44 The power of nature
Chapter 45 Hope in the air
Chapter 46 The Kitten and the cats
Chapter 47 Hope at last
Chapter 48 Grief
Chapter 49 Call the shot
Chapter 50 A sixes and sevens couples
Chapter 51 A shot in the arm
Chapter 52 Taking the bull by the horns
Chapter 53 Never the twain shall meet
Chapter 54 Forces beyond your Ken
Chapter 55 Playing with fire
Chapter 56 A tall order
Chapter 57 Bone of contention
Chapter 58 All's fair in love and war
Chapter 59 Setting the face against Armstrong
Chapter 60 Safety in numbers
Chapter 61 You can't escape it
Chapter 62 A slap in the face
Chapter 63 Smelling a rat
Chapter 64 Birds of the same feathers
Chapter 65 Having a cold feet
Chapter 66 Denial is a river
Chapter 67 To fend for oneself
Chapter 68 A trip
Chapter 69 Groove
Chapter 70 A hard decision
Chapter 71 In a tangle
Chapter 72 Fun or fight
Chapter 73 What went wrong
Chapter 74 Rogue Souls.
Chapter 75 Once bitten, twice shy
Chapter 76 Suss
Chapter 77 The man Jamie.
Chapter 78 Jamie the man you are.
Chapter 79 In her game.
Chapter 80 Samie the game changer.
Chapter 81 A brave bitch.
Chapter 82 Am I wrong
Chapter 83 Hannah 1
Chapter 84 Hannah 2.
Chapter 85 Faded.
Chapter 86 Make it right
Chapter 87 Truth untold
Chapter 88 A mega bitch
Chapter 89 Punter and Pussy
Chapter 90 Sultry
Chapter 91 Incursion
Chapter 92 Predators and Preys
Chapter 93 To take up arms
Chapter 94 Face Off
Chapter 95 On a mission
Chapter 96 Trapped
Chapter 97 Captors
Chapter 98 Rescuer
Chapter 99 Bloody Period
Chapter 100 Untold emotion.
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