img A Moment in Time  /  Chapter 2 2 | 6.67%
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Chapter 2 2

Word Count: 1632    |    Released on: 22/05/2023

out knowing it, he could have caught her, halfway through Gotham, when she was returning, so, as

creator of the largest diamond in the world, and the Brit

utfit, to differentiate from the Cat Woman, as if another cat outfit with electric w

, and he couldn't stay married to Felicity that long if he kept it up, which he didn't

er than she did, that somehow Felicity was taken to

was a miscarriage, due to the fall, not even that he said she should have stayed at home or wai

atch thieves from a museum, Felicity stole, all for the sake of escaping, sh

Tsuki Miki mad

Amasteus to keep the human away

Tsuki Miki. – Or more than t

ed a coffee towards the butler, when they

for a year, not to stay there, so he co

away from him, putting a drugged Gerard towards a priva

not let him back so soon, so that Tsuki Miki would proceed with his plans, when the poor but

a man who had treated him like a son and was a supposed father to him, Ts

art of the planet earth, he would have a guide who would keep an eye on him, to leave him

me, I did everything for you.

nd, what's going o

re a year, it doesn't help any of that, I nee

any of that. -

onitored, for looting and certain values, they would have Warriors

that's kidnappi

didn't include Gerard, and neither did he

or did I arrest you somewhere, I'm sending you towards various parts

wouldn't have to worry about her f

and if she did, she would be an outlaw by now, she would have time to pl

, in that as well a plan to keep members

e a few week

ks la

y and the mansion, he struck up a deal with a few partne

hero would enter, but with demons that would, that was just an inv

id, it wasn't against the rules, but n

ter the de

arthquake, he fell from the crater, falling towards crack

rtically, its fine point, with a thick extens

i didn't know if he was going to die from the haemorrhage, o

se to his spine, the fall itself that made him break his spine, he did

a part of the sharp rock tip, had pierced A

i... - Astr

son, but I don't think I'l

arrive. - Sa

d Tsuki Miki. - Stay q

utiful. - Sai

on that floor, her body on Tsuki Miki's, feeli

iki. "I had faith in you that

i. - He requested.

y, Kal. - Sai

ful person, he didn't know if it was a man or a woman, what mattered was

me. - Said

d from the arm that wasn't pierced, whose blood was spreading o

ki Miki, he's calling me, he ex

nconsciousness, when, he heard


quake that wasn't destructive becau

ng, where some of Luthor's properties, which in the meantime, was an old b

tists to carry out studies, scholars and archaeol

den Valle the entire city, there were other buildings that they were researching, among these

sed, which for more than a mon

terest, in addition to there being many relics and monuments, in addit

, there was in the center the shape of a man and at the extreme a hybrid form between th

ted a few w

were hired and he wa

sy, and getting old

spent his afternoon with a headache, and headed towards the cave, he wa

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