img Nedra  /  Chapter 8 THE BEAUTIFUL STRANGER | 22.86%
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Reading History


Word Count: 1597    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ship. There were passengers on board for China, Japan, India and Australia. A half hundred soldiers, returning to the East, after a long furlough at home, made the ship live

along the deck, arm in arm, enjoying an after-dinner smoke, and had paused in their wa

ted and bound for him alone. There was to be but one copy printed, positively, and it was to belong to Hugh. Her lover as he strode the deck was unconscious of the task unto which she had bent her energy. He knew nothing of the unheard-of intricacies in punctuation

essed Veath's arm

rail. There's the pretti


his way. Girl with a dark green coat,

ed Veath. "By Geor

stared at her so intently that she averted her face. "Wonder who she can be? The old man mus

sted--do you wan

t stand for that--

bject if you carried it on s

how harmless. I couldn't think

sually take such

no word of response, so deeply engrossed was he in the effort to reme

cientious, that if she thought I was--er--trifling, you know, with a girl, she'd-

that point, old man? I'm afraid you don't know y

ugh, suddenly alert and f

is his sister," said Veath calmly. "Go ahead and have a good time, old

hose thoughtless words had driven him. What did Veath know about her ideas on such matters? Where did h

gh merely glared at him and he continued imperturbably: "She

instant. "Make her have a good time. Poor thing, she'll fi

is he? If that man hasn't the gout and half

ce, red with apoplectic hues, grim with the wrinkles of three score years or more, showed clear signs of annoyance. The thin gray moustache was impatiently gnawed, first on one side and then on the other. Then the military streak of gray that bristled forth as an imperial was pushed upwar

efforts of her gloved fingers, they whipped and fluttered in tantalizing confusion. In the dimming afternoon the Americans could see that she was exquisitely beautiful. They could see the big dark eyes, almost timid in the hiding places beyond the heavy fringing lashes. Her dark hair threw the rich face

h a face before," ag

e more beautiful. She is taller and has better style. Besides, I like fair women

my sister," he finally jerked out, barely able to confine himself to this moderately

her." There was a brief silence and then he continued: "Have a fresh cig

there sailors began to light the deck lamps; many of the passengers went below to avoid the coming chill. In her stateroom Grace was

f starting below. The Americans paused to let them pass, lifting their caps. The old gentleman, now eager and apparently more interested in life an

ke that?" cried Hugh, as the

ey're common as women themselves. Any wo

rain of sentimen

re's where I began this unappreciative existence

fellow has to do o

d die, I

et mar

more. A man has to think for t

. You don't think muc

n the

he way from the chart-house, and the y

old gentleman you were tal

traighten out some complications for the C

se complicatio

nobody knows just what his mission is; that's between him and the prime minister, of course. But, good-e

" said Veath. "The

ted. "I hope we may

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