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Chapter 2 Miss Evelyn

Word Count: 4477    |    Released on: 11/06/2023

p my trousers. She continued for a minute or two to stare at the object of attraction, flushing scarlet up to the forehead, and then she suddenly seemed to recollect herself, dr

walked there, and arrived about four o'clock. Mr. and Mrs. Robinson were in the drawing room, but at once desired us to go in the garden and amuse ourselves with their three daughters, whom we would find there. We went at once, and found them amu

the other retiring. Agnes's light dress of muslin and single petticoat, as she retired and the wind came up from behind, was bulged out in front, and exposed her limbs up to her belly, so that one could see that her mount was

d my passions. None of them wore more than one petticoat, and they had no drawers, so that when they mounted to the highest point from me, I had the fullest possible view of all. My cock soon rose to a painful extent, which I really believe was noticed and enjoyed by them, I observed, too, that I was an obj

arm soon passed round my body as if to hold me on her knee, and her hand fell, apparently by accident, exactly on my cock-the touch was electric. In an instant, my member stood stiff and strong beneath her hand. Still Miss Evelyn, who must have felt the movement going on beneath her fingers, did not remove her hand, but rather seemed to press more up

ut I was quite sensible that her fingers pressed my swollen

h an excess of excitement that I actually swooned away with the most delicious sensation I had ever experienced in my life. I was some time before I knew where I was, or what I was about, and was only made conscious of our arrival at home by Miss Evelyn shaking me to rous

ook off my shirt, I found it

on the part of Miss Evelyn, and went to sleep with a lively hope of a more private interview with her, when

tiful, more experienced, and more inclined for the sp

town where the coach passed, mamma took the opportunity of going to the town with him. Mrs. B. complained of not being equal to the fatigue, and mamma told Miss Evelyn she would like her company, an

rlie, so don't go out of the way, but be

e I had already witnessed from the closet on a previous day. They were fully half an hour occupied

he preceded me in going upstairs. Although pale in complexion, she was well made, and very elegant in her carriage, and sat down on a low easy chair, throwing herself completely

mer recollection running in my head, enough to set my whole blood on fire. I have before remarked what a power beautiful and well-stockinged legs, and ankles and small feet, had upon my nervous system, and so it was now. As I g

on the increasing distention of my trousers. In a few minutes she gave me a skein of worsted to hold, and desire

irst rather below where my throbbing prick was distending my trousers. As she commenced to wind her ball, she gradually pushed her foot

trembled so violently that I thou

er with you, that you blush an

ed more than ever. The sk

said, "get up,

d stood b

t in your trouser

stiff as iron, and as large as that of a youth of eighteen. Indeed, I was better hung than one boy sel

you are a man not a boy. What a size to be sure!" an

, ma

how l

e Miss Eve

has Miss Evelyn's com


n where you say Miss Evelyn has caused you to be in such

no; neve

osom, or her legs that

with her beautiful legs, which she s

gs and ankles produce

, if they are n

ake you so

and the recollection of what I saw the other day,

distended prick, and had commenced slowly slipping the loose

t you saw in the closet, you k

ct reply that I did, and I

put it into a

ar no,

ou like

but sheepishly h

in the same place, when

ed, "Yes

you any pleasure

es; so

ing to the chair, and drawing well up her dress, petticoats and chemise, she exposed all her person u

boy, look at

t Mr. B. had fucked her two or three times just before leaving. This, however, made no difference to me. The attack was as unexpected as it was delightful to the lady. She placed both hands on my head and pressed my face against her throbbing cunt. She was

hat exquisite delight yo

my mouth, over my cheeks, chin, and neck. Her thighs closed convulsively round my head, and for some moments she remaine

but get up, it is now my turn to give you a tas

ssed my stiff-standing prick. She then desired me to lay myself on the floor, with three pillows to raise my head, and lifting up all her petticoats, and striding across me, with her back to my face, she knelt down, then stooping forward, she took my standing prick i

hole, and losing themselves in the chink between the buttocks. I applied myself furiously to the delicious gash, and sucked and thrust my tongue in alternately. I could see by the nervous twitching of her buttocks, and the bearing down of her whole bottom on my face, how much she was enjoying it. I, too, was in an extasy of delight. One hand gently frigged the lower portion of my pr

ear lady! let me

t the instant that she again poured down upon my mouth and face a pl

taking me in her arms, and pressing me lovingly to her bosom, told me I was a dear charming fellow, and had enraptured her beyo

your trousers,

e blind was drawn up,

one arm round her lovely neck, a

g. I shall take an opportunity of suggesting that you shall sleep in the small room adjoining my bedroom, and with which there is a door of communication. When every

allow me to kiss that delicious spot again that ha

th me before anyone, or to take the slightest liberty unless I invite you to do so. Anything of the sort would certainly draw atte

between us. I grew again very excited, and would fain have proceeded at once to try again to fuck her as well as suck her, but she was ine

ell, and been attentive to Mrs. B. in her absence. She answered nothing cou

ied her. When in her room, she apparently noticed, for the first time, my little bed. She took the opportunity of suggesting that it

cited on the part of mamma or anybody else. Mamma only making the objectio

en so well behaved all day, that I am sure, if I tell hi

my bed was at once remo

. The hours struck one after the other, and no appearance of my amiable instructress. The remembrance of all her charms was ever present to my mind's eye, an

ite incapable of enjoying the raptures my beautiful benefactress afterwards entranced me with. At last I heard voices and footsteps on the stairs. Mrs. B. bid Miss Evelyn good night, and the next minute her door was opened, closed again,

t been to sl

, in the same subdued t


s going to sl

st under the clothes; sought for and caressed

ave been suffering. How long

nd I did think you were su

and begged her to sit up with me yet a little; until at last she could hold out no longer, and begged me to let her retire. I grumblingly complied, and she is thrown completely off any scent on our account, as she could never suppose I was impatient

astened in under a coquettish lace cap with pretty blue ribbons. Her chemise de nuit of the finest, almost transparent cambric was edged with fine openwork. She looked devine. The drawers of

n, see I will lay myself down on my back, thus-do you place yourself on your knees between my out-spread

trembled in every limb and almost felt sick with excitement-but when I felt the delicious sensation caused by the insertion of my skinned pintle be

unt, which was throbbing in the most extatic way and pressing and closing with every fold on my prick-which had hardly lost any

a baby; what have you been doing to make you spen

in heaven-surely no joy can be

r an extent the pleasure may be enhanced by mutual efforts; move your instrument

l movement upwards, and squeezing my prick in the most delicious manner i

bottom to meet me. My hands removed everywhere, and my mouth sucked her lips and tongue, or wandered over her pulpy breasts sucking their tiny nipples. It was a long bout indeed, prolonged by Mrs. Benson's instructions, and she enjoyed it thoroughly, encouraged me by every endearing epithet, and by the most voluptuous manoeuvres. I was quite beside myself. The

ot allow any further connection with her, and she made me withdraw, and bade me g

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