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Chapter 4 Charlie

Word Count: 5082    |    Released on: 12/06/2023

oy in future, will yo

me. I love you so much, and you are so b

little fl

self up to its full extent as these caresses were exchanged, and as Miss Evelyn held me tight pressed against her th

hat will do, g

B. was apparently indifferent about me, and never sought to approach or be in any way familiar; I studied her looks and followed her example. Mamma sent me early to bed, as she feared I had not had sleep enough the previous night by reason of my bad dream, and hoped I should have no more of the kind. This time my beautiful mistress found me sound asleep when she came to bed. She did not awake me until she had completed her night toilet, and was all ready to receive me in he

ry you have been in, but it was very nice, and I fo

e; I quite adore and love every part of your charming body. I know I was too impetu

egan licking between the lips, and then applied myself to her excited clitoris, and with my finger and thumb working as on the previous morning I threw her into an extasy of delight, until again she had a

ie easily with your dear delightful prick up to the hilt in the sheath you

e placed her left thigh between my thighs, then slightly twisting her bottom up towards me brought the lips of her cunt directly before my prick, which

way; we can go on, or stay occasionally; embrace, cuddl

wandered all over her beautiful belly and

ot continue long on our present footing. My husband will return and carry me away, and although circumstances will throw us at intervals into each other's arms-for you may be sure you will be always welcome to me-yet my very absence will force you to seek other outlets to the passions I have awakened and taught their power. I have one piece of advice to give you as to your conduct to newer lovers-for have them you must, my dear Charles, however much you may fancy yourself now attached to me; with these, let them all for some time imagine that each possesses you for the first time. First of all, it doubles their satisfaction, and so increases your pleasure. Your early discretion causes me to think that you will see all the advantages of this conduct. I may add that if they suppose you have had previous instruction, they, if th

s became the guide of my after-life, and I owe to them a success with women rarely otherwise obtained. Her sensible remark had been drawn out to such a length, that my pr

rub it on my clitoris, and then suck the nipple of my b

delicious. The glorious position we were in rendered it almost impossible to lose ground, spend as often as you please; but if my prick had been one that

we recommenced our conversation; my lovely instructress giving me many and most useful hints for my after-life. I have often since dwelt on the wisdom of all she so charmingly taught me, and wondered how so young a woman could have so thorough a knowledge of her sex and the world. I suppose love is a great master and inspired

f my existence. Forgive this digression, but I am writing long

sleep and refresh ourselves for renewed efforts; but youth and strength nerved me for the fight, and being securely fixed, I held her as in a vice, with my thighs around on

"and we will renew our pl

fallen asleep engulphed, I awoke some five hours later, to find my prick still lightly held within the velvety folds of one of the most delicious cunts ever created for the felicity of man, or, I may say, woman either. You may easily imagine how soon my prick swelled to his wonted size on finding himself still in such charming quarters. I let him lay quite still, barring the involuntary throbs he could not avoid making, and bending my body away from my lovely mistress, I admired her breadth of shoulders, the beauty of her upper arm, the exquisite chute of her loins,

onthly, which, so far from being hurtful, were a relief to the system, and that they happened at the full or the new moon, generally at the former. Further, that all connection with men must cease at such a time. I was in despair, for my prick was stiff enough to burst. However, my kind and darling mistress, to relieve me from the pain of distention, took my prick in her mouth, and performed a new manoeuvre. Wetting her middle

r or five days; which, to my impatience, was like condemning me to as many ages of hope deferred. I observe

u ask, my

e of your breath, general

except more frequently kissing me. She now always did so on first entering the schoolroom, and also when we were dismissed. I suppose to prevent an observation or inference, she had adopted the same habit with my sisters. On this day, having drawn me with her arm round my waist close to her, when she kissed me I felt the very same odour of breath

, "Oh, mamma, let me go with you also." Mary interposed, and thought she had the best right-but Lizzie said she had spoken first. I managed to give Mary a wink and a shake of the head, which she instantly comprehended, so gracefully givin

ter them until they were lost to sight. Then returning into the

you can tell me all about this secret, and you must kiss my little Fanny as you did

go for a long walk in the country, but instead of that, we will pass through the shrubbery into the orchard and hazelwood,

thout a back. It had already entered into my idea that this was the spot I should contrive to get to with Mary-little thinking how chance would throw so glorious an opportunity in my way so soon. It was always kept locked to prevent it being used by the servants, gardeners, or others. I knew where the key was kept, and secured it when the ladies were dressing for their drive-so after staying sufficiently long to prevent any suspici

l this, Cha

and toying with your charming little Fanny, and next, I

en these preliminaries were accomplished, I drew her on my knees-first pulling up her shift and my own shirt, so that our naked flesh should be in contact. Seeing that her chemise fell off from her bosom, I first felt her little bubbies, which were beginning to develo

and how nice to pull this skin over its head

is, or she would have

secret, and what has it to do

ver say a word to a soul-not even

l, g

e closet. They entered, locked the door, and Mr. B. laid her on the bed, and lifted up all her petticoats so that I saw her Fanny qui

it was so ni

ile he pushed it up and down for some time, till they both stopped all at once. He then drew it out, hanging down all wet, and asked if it had not given her great pleasure. 'Delightful,' she said. 'I have now got used to it, but you know you hurt me, and made me so sore the

all like that, I shall

d bottoms, I applied my tongue at once to her little clitoris, which I found was already stiff, and showing its head at the upper part of her pinky slit. The action of my agile tongue produce

ow delicious! Oh! do go

til, with shortened breath; and greater h

mbs relaxed, and she died away in her first discharge, which was very glutinous and nice, but only scanty in q

ought it was killing me-it was almost too mu

l, but, I must kiss you in this way again before we try the o

say you will ever get in your doo

and if it hurts you

upon it and lubricated it from head to root. Then rising from my knees, I stretched myself over Mary's belly, and gently directing my prick, and rubbing it up and down first between the lips, and exciting her clitoris by the same action, I gently and gradually inserted its head between the lips of her charmi

ls-it seems to

must go on. So, plunging forward, I rushed, at the impediment, and made her cry out most lustily. Probably another push would have decided my position, but nature could hold out no longer, and I yielded down my erotic tribute to her virginal charms, without hav

radual swelling out and throbbing of my pr

ous in the end, and I can feel it is becoming so. I ha

diate appetite by the last discharge, I held it literally well in hand; and as I had lost no ground by withdrawing, I started with the advantage of posse

all in-I do so long for it-and

lustily; strove hard to unsheath me, wriggled her body in all directions to effect this; but I was too securely engulphed for that, and all her struggles only enabled me the more easily to sheathe him up to the very hairs. So excited was I by her tears and screams, that I was no sooner there than a torrent of sperm burst from me, and I lay like a corpse on her body, but perfectly maintaining the ground I possessed. This death-like quiet lasted some minutes, and, to a certain extent, ass

and when so, the trifling soreness passed out of mind, and we actually had a most delicious fuck, in which my prick appeared as if in a vice, and Mary wriggled her backside almost as well as the more artistic movements of Mrs. Benson. All things must come to an end, but this did so amid screams of delight on both sides. This single bout began and finished the education of my darling sister. She hugged and fondled me afterwards, declaring I was quite right in telling her pleasure followed pain; for nothing could exceed the enrapturing nature of the sensation my prick had produced. She thought now that it was not a bit too big, but just made to give the utmost satisfaction. We remained locked in each other's arms,

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