of attraction is very popular and comes with a myriad of benefits. It refers to the fundamental nature of the universe; th
t be discerning in where we place our attention. It is worth noting that the two biggest fields in spiritual psychology - shadow wor
n and empowerment. It has taken center stage from the law of attraction.
y imagining figures of light, but
d texts, the shadow self is comprehensively dealt with. Over time, the person will attract instances where the da
out th
being primarily through the dream states as well as symbols. He also discovered something called the collective unconscious which is shared by all humans. However, this is no
the person integrates the shadow and expresses it openly, the blacker and denser it
where we notice things in others that we hate about ourselves. In other wo
current society. Alternatively, the individual might have just had a certain experience that forced him or her to repress certain emotions and behaviors. Regardless, e
those who know you. For Carl Jung, the shadow sel
a positively demonic dynamism. The individual seldom knows anything of this; to him, as an individual, it is incredible that he sho
Side of
more to learn from our faults than our strengths. Mirroring is an excellent technique that everybody woul
ody else, it is a fl
t want to deal with. As a result, when somebody bothers you, it is easier to proj
in him that is part of yourself. What is
r condemn others, we are criticizing things we are unable to deal
se, for at whatever point you judge another, you are condemning your
you too shall be j