img Happy Ending  /  Chapter 3 William Rodrigues | 5.56%
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Chapter 3 William Rodrigues

Word Count: 1026    |    Released on: 11/07/2023

e Thomas. He was a bit different from him in some ways, especially when it came to work, since the Rodrigues brothers worked in completely different areas from each other.

the worst days of that week, which unfortunately never seemed to end. In addition to the countless meetings and problems to solve, he was left with no one to take care of his son. At times like that he couldn't imagine what would become of him without his brother, so the first thing he

und and couldn't help but smile. A few years ago he hadn't imagined the possibility of having children, or that he would li

here they shouldn't have. William was no longer surprised to hear that. Whenever Leandro stayed with Thomas, it was the same thi

guilty that she has to come last,

rother had said that, in fact, William repeated

he younger man, taking his guesses about what his bro

have been mentally cursing, as he always did wh

won't stop Alana from teac

d some not very nice things to Beatriz, Eduarda's former best friend, who had come to visit them. Th

ottle of wine

home yet, William headed for his desired hot bath, before going to prepare dinner for the three of them. He felt better there than anywhere else, close to those who really mattered and surrounded by an environment that always reassured him. Maybe that was the reason he had gotten over Eduarda's death so quickly, at least for those who had been friends of the couple and her relatives. But he had to admit that he was happy as he was, with what he had become. She didn't want to change. She didn't need to stay away from her brother. She didn't need to change and move away from her hobbies and friendships, as Thomas' mother had made a point of saying and trying to do from the moment she laid eyes on him and they started dating. She was grateful for the son they had made together, but almost always regretted leaving that relationship to have go

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