img Real Folks  /  Chapter 4 AFTERWARDS IS A LONG TIME. | 18.18%
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Word Count: 1380    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

them so, since Marmaduke Wharne never had any "own" affairs that did not chiefly concern, to their advantage, somebody else,-in which his friend Mr. Titus Oldways was interested, n

lemen, and "thee" and "thou" to everybody,-have ever known. In a general way and relation, I mean; separate persons

use. "For," said he, "the blessed truth is, that the Word of God is in the world. Alive in it. When you know that, and wherever you can get hold of his souls, then and there you've got your religion,-a piece at a time. To prove and sort your pieces, and to straighten the tangle you might otherwise get into, there's this," and he laid his hand down on the Four Gospels, bound in white morocco, with a silver cross upon the cover,-a volume that no earthly creature, again, knew of, save Titus and Marmaduke and Rachel Froke, who laid it into

itus Oldways went a

hey could that way, it wasn't his way," he said to Rachel Fro

ight be utilized and expanded, to make-not money so much as safe and honest human life by way of making money; and they sat and talked this plan over, and settled its arrangements, in the days that Marmaduke Wharne was staying on in Boston, waiting

to know of Marmaduke Wharne wh

t had puzzled and tro

doing, and the wherewith, to no society or corporation. I'll pay no salaries nor

r mo


work when it

ways wa

should come to you. You began, yourself, to work for money. You did n

me unde

t too. He can look out for it again. H

ant to give some living soul a body for its living. Dead charities are dead. It's of

p, the day after your own. You c

hom it would help; but I want to invest, not spend it; to invest it in a li

, Oldways; I can't help reverencing the claims of next of kin. Unless one is plainly shown otherwise, it

I don't know, my niece's child

u ought to

ar of family. They didn't need me, and I had no right to


I dare say; but the world is full of just such women. How do I k


brought up by

o a satiric general term, is not to be wri

a little property, a farm and two children,-her older ones died very young,-up in Ne

aid Marmaduke

found out till

y '

rms of his chair. At this last spondaic response from Marmaduke, he lifted his eyes and eyebrows,-not his head,-and raised himsel

" sa

armaduke Wharne. "Giv

vibration, as it were, with his body, that moved his head up and down almost impe

aduke Wharne got up presently to go. They nodded at ea

d in his swivel-chair, around to hi

ell! Afterwards is a long time. A man must give it u

n in his hand an

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