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Chapter 2 two

Word Count: 1013    |    Released on: 12/07/2023

like to have a word with you.'' My beta, wh

death of my father had been a shock to everyone in the park. It was mysterious and there was no specific reason why the doctor was able to pinpoint the cause of his death. I still suspect that it wasn't natural because he was completely fi

feeling inside me that perhaps the hybrids had attacked indirectly. What if they had paid someone to poison my father's food that day? Perhaps father was right with his suspicions. The hybrids were lurking across our borders beca

hey had a touch over the park. Just because they were a bunch of elders who lived in the park for more than 100 years did not mean that they had the power to make decisions against the alp

werewolves. They would expect me To find a mate as soon as possible or be paired off to an alpha of another pack

Milly responded, losing the hard expression as s

n't they,'' I say, anger laced

up an apple that had been situated inside the bowl of

nything you find,'' I sa

he says in a joking manner. up until now I still feel th

poison,'' I reply in

to your satisfaction. Other than that, they know how you order your chefs to taste a meal before you have it. They say that you are a weak Alpha, that you should be more concentrated in fi

my strengths. I have covered up my emotions and manned up. I might be 21 but I was still not ready to be an alpha. My dreams are s

ion as she looked at me with a confused expression. I had to be tough. I was not going to let anyon

mpanied by my title first, Am I clear Beta Milly?'' I asked. I knew that she could not resist an

lpha Is

r and respect I got for being an alpha. Even if leadersh

wrong, I could tell that something was wrong with our security system. Being an alpha meant that I was linked to all the bor


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