e ,if I hadn't had my fair share of women I would have sworn she's the finest human I've seen.She looked so lost as she strolled down the path from school and that's when I decided if we're goi
e world who can call my name so openly and still live ,yes love, I'll be down stairs in a minute, i say, that's when I realize my burner phone has been ringing, I quickly rush down stairs to see mom ashen, I hug her, while my men brief me ,it turns out my stupid brother is at it again causing trouble throughout the land ,I wish I could just go there and smack some senses into him but
nt to me ,I see her school and alot of other stuff about her ,for a girl her age and that gorgeous, her life seems pretty boring ,I guess its time for me to spice it up ,if I'm going to be here for a long time I might as well use it. I guess I'm going to school tomorrow, how long has it been since I entered a class room I can't even remember, that's another advantage to being a wolf we barely age .At 24 I'm still looking like I just turned 18 ,I pick up my burner phone and call jack my bestfriend ,I can only imagine his expression when I tell him I'm going back to school for fun. "No of
e, I Laughed thinking he was joking till he turned and almost bit my neck I was young but at least I had my reflexes, from then on we didn't talk to each other, the hatred and tension just grew ,I knew something was wrong with him but I couldn't figure it out, mom was always worried saying she could feel her son changing ,we all could .The next time he left for school was the last time we saw him till 9yrs later. A few months ago he came in the night with an army of rogues ,we had numbers but they were stronger like they had been practicing for years, when the battle g
lass ,after all the long formalities ,I just sniff to see if I can pick up her sent of sweet lilac flowers and it isn't hard to find ,I stand outside her window there a
y excuse myself and follow her , I turn invisible and enter the female stall since I sense she's the only one there, I patiently wait when she's done she washes her hands and stares at the mirror , I make myself vi
to all my rea