e. I will be your instr
al magic
spatial m
e most fitting one for this si
magine how the first semest
e instructor. From introductions to the
at, she
that her
situation as if he had seen t
mote island. Our goal is simple. Return to th
as if enveloped by something, a st
ey were about to vomit, Joo Soo
ost deserving of the t
was only filled with sand, rocks, and
ere ar
oked bewildered and confused, taken
d themselves stranded
uglielmo, one of them
muttered irritably, observi
beside him trying to act like
" the blond young man exclaimed, expressing his f
rly, noticing the sunrise and the
s the W
island in the West Sea, a little dis
imes happened during the f
phones rang, indicating
nderworld, must first carve your strength!
ain s
the end of the Rule of Seoul wa
ry was about becoming the
ain story, he would s
e blond young man approached hi
phone at a time like this? Is there a survi
nk it's
something like that in a situation like this. Listen, don't pay atten
poke with a cun
Taehyun looked at
these before. I'm sure I've seen them in
knew that inform
ent them to the West Sea and g
ore absurd when th
y people around the West Sea. You seem to have
uld he
ith me. Or even just 1,000 dollars will do. I won't get much money fr
he island, where people wer
we might be able to return to the academy before 4 PM,
g man's invitation and joined the people
coming to
oung man with a hat a
s about what
ningly upon hea
rested. Do you know that this is
un no
pace-time magic," said the man with glasses
e probl
he magic stones on this remote i
cal stones. If they succeed in acquiring them, they can all return before
peared from different directions, running and sho
rhaps the cave held the magical stones they were searching f
r hope ignited upon hearing news of the ca
smile on his lips, learning th
arked the beginning of an adventure
he potential bloom
g excitement, the