img From Amongst The Desert Places  /  Chapter 3 Anchor | 75.00%
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Chapter 3 Anchor

Word Count: 476    |    Released on: 23/07/2023

ather conditions, the lack of rain or apparent vitality.

our Rock, our Anchor that holds us firm when the waves come crashing and our Fortress

aware of the safety of Yehovah as our anchor. Yehovah holds us f

the physical , tangible things that could be seen. This is what led to the wo

cally see before our eyes at that moment. We have a tendency to emulate the actions

The past can be devastatingly painful and letting go and transitioning is hard, but it oft

no way. From desert places YHVH wants to bring forth hope and amongst the wasteland, living streams. YHVH doe

HE desires than for HIS people to give HIM the honor he is due and to trust HIM in our wilderness, trust

emands an apparent unsecured environment that makes room for security only in HIM and it also demands a journey that requires you to let go of the railings and glide into the unde

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