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Chapter 5 unfinished business

Word Count: 613    |    Released on: 29/07/2023

a thi

rived at his condo, it was late at night. Even

t with his pals because he was departing the nation

ifficult. Darkness and an eerily silent cond

furrowed. It appears as though he has returned his

amined the area, checking the ki

mpty and silent it was. As they had earlier left it, the bed was still tidy and made

e? in his

she could enter the apartment quickly, ma

of the pocket of his jeans in ca

of the unop

to the area of the bed where his wife had slept the previous night. He kept

g with his wife all the time. Every night, he is accustomed to receiving a hug.

since the silence in the space was deafening. He use

symptom of sleep deprivation. He immediately t

thought to himself. while ob

t said was,

workplace and completed th

s lunchtime. He awaited the arrival


t his wife is still absent. H

ecretary after l

a, "Brenda, didn't

aying, "Sorry, sir, but ma'

r, yest


the hospital, so

office after arriving at the

"Where's Elle

n his face and a

She wasn't there yesterday. The last thing she said was that she was g

e asked witho

voice as she said, "Yes, sir, it was her bi

y "Shit!" He then




Chapter 1 disregarded you Chapter 2 insulted me, Chapter 3 astonishment Chapter 4 sadness Chapter 5 unfinished business Chapter 6 envious
Chapter 7 satisfaction
Chapter 8 immediately
Chapter 9 respectfully
Chapter 10 approached me
Chapter 11 Desperate
Chapter 12 nervousness
Chapter 13 I was sobbing so hard
Chapter 14 breakfast
Chapter 15 take care of yourself
Chapter 16 (Eight months earlier)
Chapter 17 forgiveness
Chapter 18 confronted him
Chapter 19 Just accept the truth
Chapter 20 Years are passing
Chapter 21 his attitude
Chapter 22 assurance
Chapter 23 responsibility
Chapter 24 Clarification
Chapter 25 recognize
Chapter 26 eagerness
Chapter 27 expression
Chapter 28 And I'll do everything to save this marriage
Chapter 29 We exclaimed in unison
Chapter 30 desolation
Chapter 31 her husband's appearance.
Chapter 32 comfortable
Chapter 33 committed
Chapter 34 ELLESA'S P. O. V.
Chapter 35 absentmindedly
Chapter 36 determination
Chapter 37 THIRD PERSON'S P.O.V.
Chapter 38 Ellesa's P.O.V.  
Chapter 39 THIRD PERSON'S P. O. V.
Chapter 40 management
Chapter 41 apologize
Chapter 42 embarrassment
Chapter 43 Nate didn't get pregnant with my sister
Chapter 44 crazy
Chapter 45 emotions
Chapter 46 THIRD PERSON'S P. O. V.  
Chapter 47 . Just fight
Chapter 48 THIRD PERSON'S P. O. V.
Chapter 49 Serenity's dreams
Chapter 50 suspiciously
Chapter 51 response
Chapter 52 cheating on him,
Chapter 53 carefully
Chapter 54 darkness
Chapter 55 You're just jealous
Chapter 56 Harvesting the other line
Chapter 57 possibilities
Chapter 58 passionate
Chapter 59 embarrassed
Chapter 60 perspective
Chapter 61 commemorated
Chapter 62 selfishness
Chapter 63 Ellesa's P.O.V
Chapter 64 restrictive
Chapter 65 disappointed
Chapter 66 permission
Chapter 67 carefully
Chapter 68 opportunities
Chapter 69 apology
Chapter 70 innocent
Chapter 71 accept
Chapter 72 Epeloque
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