img My Gem, My Love  /  Chapter 3 Meeting Kierre | 16.67%
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Chapter 3 Meeting Kierre

Word Count: 1474    |    Released on: 03/08/2023

oyful laughter of children and the heartwarming ambiance, she had found more than just a j

d in a cozy corner of Angels Place. Their laughter echoed through the

eam. The children adore you, and your passion for wha

ess. I feel blessed to be here with all of you. The su

nds like you all in the workplace. We've become like a little f

agree more, Lorie. You all have made me feel so wel

have friends like you who bring so much light and joy into our lives. By t

u never fail to make me smile. You're such a blessing to be around, and I'm gratefu

eams, and even their struggles. In the safety of their newfound friendship

cepting his identity as a gay man. His journey to self-acceptance was filled with tri

orie revealed her passion for writing. They encouraged one anothe

s presence was magnetic, and all eyes seemed to be drawn to him. Her heart

us glint in his eye. "Well, well, Gray. Loo

Oh, stop it, Christian. He's just h

as something special about this chance encounter. Lorie whispered

's like fate broug

in his eyes and the warm smile that graced his lips. He introduced himself as

e spoke, "It's a pleasure to meet all of y

r pleasure, sir. Your niece is

o Kierre's genuine and caring nature. The more they spoke, the more sh

lp but be charmed by their sweet interaction. She admired t

pull of their connection and the restraint she imposed upon herself. She wanted to

lances at him, feeling a mix of curiosity and intrigue. She wondered

never know, Gray. Sometimes, chance en

ight. Let's see what dest

ace, she suddenly heard a sweet and familiar voice beh

ith Sandie, who was accompanied by a tall and handsome man. It w

posed herself, offering a warm smile. "Good morning, Sandie. Good mor

of recognition. "Good morning, Graycel. Sandie was really excited

k her name. "I'm glad she enjoyed her time here. We had a great day t

n to each other's company. They exchanged stories about Sandie,

re's affectionate nature towards Sandie. It was evident that he ca

with an enchanting aura. Graycel felt drawn to him, and she coul

, leaving Sandie in her care for the day. Graycel did her best to hide her feelings,

the rooftop, pretending to have some tasks to attend to. She hoped that a few

and felt a strong urge to follow her. Intrigued by Graycel's

expanse of the city. She seemed lost in thought, and Kierre couldn't hel

ly called out, ste

of vulnerability she might have revealed. "Oh, sir Kierre, I d

"Is something bothering you? You seemed a bit distant

Oh, it's nothing, really. I just needed some fresh air and ti

ruth. "You can talk to me, Graycel. I'm here to listen if somethin

en up completely. "Thank you, sir Kierre. I appreciate that, but it's just some personal

just remember that I'm here if you ever need someone

lings, but the fear of risking their newfound connection held her back. She knew that getting in

gered in the air. Graycel couldn't deny the magnetic pull she felt t

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