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Chapter 4 nightmares

Word Count: 1961    |    Released on: 09/08/2023

pressing upon her fragile heart. As the minutes passed, a familiar tune filled the room, escaping the speakers with a tender melody. It was a song her mother had played cou

nant reminder of the love she once shared with her former boyfriend and the subsequent heartbreak that tore her

s crescendo, Ayesha's emotions erupted like a volcano, an uncontrollable surge of grief and longing consuming her fragile being. She desperate

ed soul. She longed to express the overwhelming pain that coursed through her veins, but the chains of silence held

uish and unwavering love. "I see the weight of your sorrow, even if your words f

ament to the love she had once poured into her relationship and the devastating pain that had been inflicted upon her. Her mother's embrac

ep. But there, in the realm of dreams, there was no escape from the anguish that

er ex-boyfriend. His once tender eyes now gleamed with malice, and his voi

ers piercing her wounded heart. "You're nothing but a burden, a der

wounded soul. Ayesha tried to defend herself, to challenge his claims, but her voi

t played out before her, each one a painful reminder of the love she had once cheri

rit. Tears welled up in her eyes, and her heart ached with an indescribable pain. In the

hold, but the emotional residue lingered, clinging to her like a suffocating shroud. Ayesha found herself trapp

her eyes filled with concern and compassion. She enfolded Ayesha in her ar

r voice trembling with empathy. "Let the tears flow, my precious

eaving breath, she surrendered to the torrent of tears, her body shaking with the intensity of her emotions.

e could amidst Ayesha's uncontrollable weeping. She whispered so

ays be here for you," her mother murmured, her voice filled with love and determinatio

pirit still heavy with the weight of her pain. She longed to communicate the intensity of her angui

dst of the chaos. She spoke words of reassurance and uncondition

at you are not alone," her mother whispered, her voice filled with a mixture of sorro

d a profound sense of emptiness. She nestled into her mother's embrace, seeking solace in

but she clung to the flicker of hope that danced within her wounded heart. With her mother's unwavering support and the guidance of Dr. Cruz, she da

ruz was determined to delve deeper into her case. He sought to uncover the origins of her trauma, the causes and effects it had on her, and

tor Cruz, my heart breaks every time I see my daughter cry endlessly. Her tears seem to carry the weight of the world, and I can feel

of Ayesha's suffering and the profound impact it had on her and her loved ones. The weight of responsi

th empathy. "They are the manifestation of her unprocessed pain, the echoes of her past haunting her in

darkness that surrounded her daughter's sleep. "Please, Doctor Cruz, I beg you. Help

ther-a promise to be Ayesha's guardian in her battle against her

lly peeling back the layers of her trauma. He created a safe space where she could conf

like a tender lullaby. But as his voice reached her ears, Ayesha's fragile state shattered into a torrent of uncontrollable

ed within the confines of her silent torment, yearned to escape, to give voice to the turmoil that consumed her. Bu

rt open to the depths of her suffering. He extended his arms, encircling her in a gentle embrace, offering solac

d spirit. "Let your tears flow, for they carry the weight of your pain. I am here

f. The depths of her despair threatened to consume her, but Dr. Cruz's unwaver

es of your past, are a symptom of post-traumatic stress disorder, or PTSD. It is a heavy burden to bear, but remember,

, the windows to his compassionate soul. In his gaze, she found a glimmer o

It won't be an easy journey, but together, we will navigate the darkness, uncovering the hidden corners of your pa

rt. In that vulnerable moment, she felt a surge of strength coursing through her veins. She knew that

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