img Unveiling: Her True Identity  /  Chapter 5 Jane story | 38.46%
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Chapter 5 Jane story

Word Count: 819    |    Released on: 15/08/2023

t was too much for her,she keeps checking the

underneath with her eyes totally glaze on the object she switched on the light

'' she said as she placed the object on her chest o

jewelry box and was a

pecial " she said as she is trying to look

ing a loud noise ,she had bought a beautiful

,it shouldn't be something t

refully placed the jewelry inside and admi

re he finally marries me " she said and started packing almost

,she noticed it wasn't the same car he used the other to pick her up this is mor

ery young it is just 9am , people were hurriedly rush

her email to see any positive news abou

eople heading to different direction the

while the maids helped her with her luggages, her stomach rumbled she had been st

starving her self isn't helping at all, she couldn't control th

ken sauce, and please be fast abo

would get back still Six hours left she thought holding h

e house " she said laughing out loudly, it isn't f

said bowing her head and the same

Jane imagined,but she had seen t

ced the maid is still young this her first time seeing her , many thought keeps ru

e had good meals , constantly feeding on noodles

a' am " said the same maid that

rest but her mind couldn't help but recall what happened earlier she isn't comfo

ted the bed, she is really feeling

er phone about to call Alex almost dailing is his number but dropped her phone bef

and changed to something simple cleaned her

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