img Stories of Childhood  /  Chapter 8 8 | 61.54%
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Chapter 8 8

Word Count: 1358    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

ce vill go back to Italy, mit her moder; a

ot dare, and he not make zem any more

beer mit ze bad men; and ze fire he not get, a

r say dot ce may. Zen my moder say dot ce vill take ze boys mit her; and my fader say No, he keep ze boys mit him. My moder say No, ce take ze boys mit her; and my fad

, and ce look at me, and ce make me all roun mit ze flowers. Ce make my curls go roun her fing-er, and zen ce make zem mit ze brush in ze pic-sure, and ce make

and arrow

eem have shoot Fred mit it in hees back, and he cry, a

ake me mit ze brush, and ce vill sell me, and ce vill get ze money, and ce vill come in ze America. Zen von oder day ze lady come da

go in, and my moder ce come in mit ze baby. My granfader bring me, and he come in, and ze ca

ip, J

Jeem and Fred bees dare; and my granfader say zey vill go, dot ze ship not come avay mit zem. Zen my moder ce kiss Jeem and ce kiss Fred, von time and von time, and ce cry and ce cry; and ce tell zem dot zey vill be good, and ven ce get ze

money, he vill keep him in ze house mit him? and my granfader say dot he vill, and he vill keep Jeem and he vill keep Fred mit him, and he vill make zem go in ze school. Zen my moder tank my granfader much times, and ce kiss him, and ce kiss Jeem, and ce kiss Fred; and zey kiss me, an

mel! and all ze time zey cry, and zey tink dot zey go vay down in ze deep. My moder ce be kneeled down, mit ze baby in von arm and mit me in von arm, and ce not cry, but all ze time ce pray and ce pray; and vile ce pray, ze ship come crash on ze rock, and much ze peoples go vay down in ze vater, and too much zey cr

ze sail, but ce have von big fire, and all ze time ce go, burrh! burrh! and all ze peoples vot have not go vay dow

ship vot have no tree, vot have no sail, and vot have no fire, but ze men have ze lon

that, Jakey; you c

oder come out ze leetle boat, and ven ce have valk some ze vay, ce go down on ze ground and ce pray and ce cry. Not ce feel bad dot ce come in ze Americ

not afra

e, and ce hold me tight, and I tin

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