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Wolf Rejected and Dragon Claimed

Wolf Rejected and Dragon Claimed

Author: KMed
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Chapter 1 Autumn (POV)

Word Count: 3172    |    Released on: 15/08/2023

into my wolf and found out she is very special. She is a beautiful light grey. But, I noticed the pads of her paws are a dark purple. I know she is special because she loves me, and I love her. S

ack. Blue Moon Eclipse pack. O

o meet my mate. I have plans to meet my mate, maybe, go to college earn my business degree and open my open business. I love to bake, so I want

. I work out daily. I am not a powerhouse if that is what you are thinking. But I do take care of myself. I like to wear overalls and big t-shirts. I kind of self-conscience of my big boobs and I have a bubble butt. I keep to myself. I always

l ride. I already visited the dorms and mapped out my dorms, my classes and hopefully a part-time job close by. I am not asking my parents for a dime. Our Alpha is very tight on money and my p

I have given my parents half of my earnings. I bought my own car. I have a pretty good savings. I have

books for new recipes in exchange for samples. This weekend went by in a flash. It is graduation day. My parents were not able to get the evening off t

t sticking around for the summer. I will no longer be picked on by the future-alpha Rick Danger. Better yet, I won't be taunted by anyone for being smart.

morning. I planned my trip for months in advance. I planned this for months. It is a twenty-four-hour drive but stopping for gas and mayb

ale truck drivers that told me to stay on the road until I hit Interstate 5. Due to reports of cars breaking down and females being picked up by traffickers. Both gave me their phone num

Back on the road after a quick bathroom break. Driving until I reach my destination. It is just past nine in the morning, and I pull up to a country club bar

ound and looks right into my eyes. He has the most beautiful steel blue eyes I have ever seen. My

He is built like a Greek god. His hair is unruly black with a small wave I would like to run my hands through

while. I was just wondering if you are hiring?"

bartend? Or do

studying at Stanford for business management. I am a

ur name?"

ay." I reach out to shake his hand. Even if I don't g

d with you?" Jay smiled as he shook my hand. He did not let go of my hand. I did not get a b

ollow me inside to the office." He let go of my hand. I went b

ding, and he was mumbling and talki

are you l

. I check off each case as I

out each item." I grabbed the load sheet

through each one and got to the end. The bourbon was m

on the bourbon and vodk

mirks as I hand him the load sheet back. "Thank yo

e issue when we were recei

people stocking and cleaning. You can hear glasses clink, vacuuming of the carpet.

do you open up?" I asked as

lot of the people come here for breakfast, lunch, or dinner. Here we go, my office." Jay says as

e calendar behind his desk on the wall. There are several filing cabinets in the room. He has security monitors up on the wall. You can

ch in my bag for my wallet. I get the items he is asking for and he sca

s computer is booting up. "Autumn Sanders, 1411 Bootleg

ir and eye color match. Single. Work history, Stratford City Books. Filed y

lip out. I gasped and put my hand over my mouth. "Apologies, tha

lso works for the IRS. My sister is an agent for Homeland Security. I have several businesses h

ble, I bake a little. You

back and be at my side. You know be my eyes for things tha

e with me." I pull out my itinerary

in the dorms and come back me....

Wait, are y

dule will look like when you come back." He

ou very much for your ti

at our hands and he lets go of my hand slowly. It felt nice. I felt safe and calm with him.

its. One in each corner of the building. Lucky enough, I am next to the stairwell and have easy access for parking my car. The shower room is across the hall from m

and it's also a badge to get inside the door. I scan my badge to the badge read and the green light

account set up with a bank here or back-home?" Just a few clicks later, I am an employee. I have

ty over work. Maybe after you graduate you will be my business manager or partner." He grins and there is a twinkle in his eye. If I


do not see him until Monday afternoon. I thought was kind of strange, but I do not question his personal life. His life is his business. I let him know that I would be driving back home at th

p, drive safe and I will see you Monday. Let me now if you need anything. Anything at all. Really.

nd nothing. It seemed the drive back home was faster. I pulled up to my hotel that I rente

y not? Why not Jay? I would have to figure out how to explain were-wolves to him. It could work. Right? I sent him a quick message, 'che

new my mom would listen to reason. My father always wanted me home. I never really felt like I was 'home' living on the pack la

were set up with food. There were people walking around, dancing, eating, some people making out and som

the Alpha. His father had a stroke and passed the

word from James and his mate?" My mind kept g

are expecting. Look it's almost time for the midnight run. Fifteen minutes until midni

I will be her problem." My mother gives me THE LOOK. I do not care. I love my brother and he deserves happiness ev

an finish school. I was walking to the clearing where every single person was standing. I saw Rick standing up on the stage with one of my tor

urned and Rick was standing in front of me. What in the blue hell just happened? His eyes wer

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