img Rebirth of the strongest mage god  /  Chapter 2 A New Threat | 10.00%
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Chapter 2 A New Threat

Word Count: 1032    |    Released on: 17/08/2023

The once-vibrant land seemed to wither under the weight of uncertainty, and an air of unease settled over its inhabitants. The chao

ing with life now harbored sinister creatures that slinked through the undergrowth, their eyes gleaming with an otherworldly malice. As

ingered. The guild members convened in the grand chamber, their faces etched with concern. Loriana, the guil

fore," Loriana declared, her voice carrying a weight that matched

d mage with a scar that marred his left cheek, spoke up. "Loriana, the forces of darkness seem to be growing str

in our world, and the balance between light and darkness has been disrupted. We must

choed in his mind, igniting a fire within him. He had read about Zephyr's battles, about the countless times the mage god had face

racing the faded ink as he searched for clues, for any hint of what might have caused Zephyr's disappearance. One night, as the moon hung low in t

all in their path. Zephyr, with his mastery over magic and unwavering courage, had always been the realm's ultimate pr

legends; they were a real and tangible threat, and with Zephyr's disappearance, the

and idly by while darkness consumed his world. He had to act, to make a difference, no matter how smal

righter as he set his sights on the tower, the symbol of hope and strength in a world teetering on the edge of des

toward him, curiosity evident in their expressions. Loriana, the guildmaster, regarded

hing, studying the history of Zephyr and the Shadows of Desolation. I believ

h interest. "Share what you'

, explaining the nature of the Shadows of Desolation and their connection to Zephyr's absenc

say is true, Aiden, then it's clear that we can't afford to wai

ive. We may not have Zephyr to lead us, but perhaps we have the potential

resolve and hope. He knew that the road ahead would be treacherous, filled with challenges and uncert

growing threat that loomed over their realm. Little did he know that this was just the beginning of a journey that would lead him to uncover ancient prophecies, form unlikely al

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