img I'm Yours' Alone  /  Chapter 3 Crossing Boundaries | 21.43%
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Chapter 3 Crossing Boundaries

Word Count: 782    |    Released on: 18/08/2023

hat had started as a chance encounter at the art gallery had evolved i

r her craft, and her ability to see beauty in the simplest of things. Angel, in turn, found herself opening up to Ryan in ways she hadn'

at on a bench outside the gallery. The sky was painted with

the horizon, "I never imagined someone li

never leaving her. "And what do

her lips. "You're successful, wealthy, ch

look at him. "You're so much more than that, Angel. Yo

own for a moment before meeting his gaze again. "

against her cheek. "It's my pleasur

s noises became distant echoes as they remained lost in each other's gaze. The unspoken emo

t and looked away. "So, tell me about yoursel

me from a family of entrepreneurs. I've always been driven to succ

ident. "And what about love? H

d my share of relationships, but none that truly felt right. I suppose I've always b

understood his sentiment all too well, having experien

"Love should be about the connection between

actly. And I think that's wha

through her veins. She met his gaze, her eyes reflecting the vulnera

touch gentle and reassuring.

uttering in her chest. "

hared stories, dreams, and even their fears. It was as if the boundaries that soc

time together. The gallery's lights illuminated

ot like the people you might have encountered in my world. I care a

about you too, Ryan. Your kindness, your sincerity... they

in. Their lips met in a soft, tender kiss, sealing a promise of so

oundary that separated their worlds. Love had found them in the most unexpected o

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