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Reading History

Chapter 8 UP THE PEAK.

Word Count: 2192    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

flush in the east, where, by-and-by, the sun would come up brilliantly. Aunt Hepsy was as cross as two sticks, and Uncle Josh morose and taciturn; but even

dy could be long afraid of Mr. Goldthwaite. He possessed his sister's charm of manner, and drew Lucy on to talk in spite of herself. At the Red House there was a great bustle. The big waggon was at the front door, and the little one at the back, into which the cook was stowing all sorts of eatables. Minnie Keane, in a state of great excitement, was flying about with a tiny kitten in each arm, the mother following

ess we'll have a good time to-day. There alway

d Tom, feeling he must say

her cross. You should see papa's Beauty.

s quite at home in the stable, and familiar with every animal in it. Beauty

id. "She thinks there isn't another horse like

eplied Lucy. "I saw some nic

I think; perhaps they'll want to be going.

ix this morning to see if it was

oked very tall and stately and awe-inspiring with her trailing dress and eye-glass. Yet her s

me upstairs? she is not able to leave the room, you know.-Minnie, I wis

near the fire lay a lady, with gray hair and a pale, thin, worn face, which wore such an expression of peace and happiness that Lucy felt her heart go out to her at once. Mr.

ery heartily.-"Kiss me, Lucy. I knew your mo

grily on the exquisite water-colours on the walls. It was long since he had had such an opportunity. At Thankful Rest the art collection consisted of a few family port

iss Keane, touching his arm and beckoning him to

ushing a little. "And these are so beau

oks and odd drawings," said Miss Keane. "I am very fond of the work myself, and might perhaps be

his first impression of her had been unpleasant, and a warm flush of gr

world, ma'am, and I thank you very much; but I

promptly; and at that moment Judge Keane'

y.-"Oh, here you are, little ones;-glad to see you, my lad;" and he gave T

aid. "There'll be a glorious air up the Peak to-

Carrie as she bent a moment over the couch before they

replied with her sweet smile; "take care of yourself and of this

stly; and then they all went away. Minnie was alread

his strong arms he placed her beside Minnie. "The rest of us will walk a piece, I fancy. As t

cy thought there could not be so pleasant

ite a man; and they got into a very interesting talk about the great painters and their work. She was astonished t

ng very slowly, and talking very earnestly. Nobody took any notice of them whatever, evidently being of opinion that they were quite capable of amusing each other. The waggon-path

at last, "else there'll be none of us left to see the top of

d everything so pleasant, I don't know what to do," said

y good times at your home

y often," answered

"She looked at me so one day in church, 'cause I laughed right out at a funny little dog wi

cy; "if it was very fun

Lucy blushed, not being accustomed to such plain speaking. "I think Miss Goldthwaite perfect

ked Lucy, mu

crazed about her. Everybody

red Lucy. Minnie could never know

"They always go away by themselves, and things; you just w

pausing at the side of the waggon.

ery dignified way.-"O Miss Goldthwa

u make room f

on, and Mr. George Keane assist

mbed already!" c

me in too?" r

the credit of our sex." "I know it's safe in your hands, Alice," s

s eyes answered her

m, but he had gone; and looking round, she saw him standing by a huge boulder, but his face was turned away, and understanding why he felt it best to be alone for a few minutes, she did not venture to disturb him. It was a panorama of wonderful beauty. They seemed to stand up among the clouds, the air was so pure and cool and bracing. Far beneath, the houses of the town looked like a tiny ant-nest, enveloped in a filmy haze. The great plain stretched around for miles and mil

e at length, in a soft voice; "it will do us all good,

and the gladness of the earth. Help us more and more to feel the power and majesty of thy hand, and the great love of thy infinite h

"Now we can begin the day wi

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