t beast of a stepfather, she still asked the three people she worked for as a part time housek
the third said they could consi
ever trust Ken anymore.She never trusted him from the start but now her distrust of him had taken a more drastic turn.After
the dagger she had acquired for the purpose of warding Ken off in case he repeated what he did t
even Ken had been surprised and had decided to see just how
pay package for work well done. She was so
hen she got home to find t
you promised m
I am drinking. I am celebrating an incremen
e past few days that her mother had been sober, she had helped prepare the meal and she had had to do other chores and then rel
ince he would play with his girls till he was sure that
everyone and her mother would try to placate him and he would take advantage of that to take
r tolerated this. It couldn't be that sh
ht, her mother had given her a slap a
uous but that does not mean that they do not love their wives. They are just being men. The pe
on the fire while she did
hrough,her mothe
and covered her with the chea
dishes out some for Ken, coveted it and
ad done more work at the houses where s
er eating. She lay down and slept when
Mira and found she was asleep , then he got a whiff of alcohol in her breath and knew that s
or her body since the last time he had trie
rompted her to go back
going to allow pass him by. He go
but due to exhaustion,her
ed her. He had her strapped with his legs and she couldn't move. In her exhaustion, she had not remembered to take her dagger. This would
y out of his firm grip but
most naked as well. She knew that there wa
but no one ca
s just too painful. It was her fir
nothing was going t
again and and tor
in was excruciating. She screamed til
joying what I am doing to you. You have wanted it almost
to you. You are ve
what was happening. Her mind was gone from he
ymore. If he was cutting her to pieces,
l groan, he s
eyes were glazed as tho
it was his opportunity to have
body, he was aroused again
escaped from her body so that she would not have to fe
s that night and he pa