life, it'is becoming more and more rich. I didn't LIKE to see or feel that my money was going down. My new lifestyle should not change. Follies and temptations increased day by da
like she poured something in front of your store before' burying stuff in a cemetery. In short, things that scare. Before confirming that J'peux remove everything to make them positive. Those who had accused their shop neighbor, j's also scare stuff before swearing that j'peux reverse the scale. I charge them a crazy price like 5 million, it depends on all my expenses in your store. I make you believe that the offerings and sacrifices, it is I' who manages them. They accepted without hesitation. Poor Senegalese(es), they do not know that I relied on their statements to invent his things that are only pure lies and they believe ndeysan. I can not count all the sums of which j'ai harvested via traders(es). You know why, I didn't' was afraid of what I'sais, I'shave already paid other so-called marabouts so it can just fall off. Even if what J'ais is not good, they too are at fault how we can make others responsible for our destiny. Via traders(es), they introduced me to'other customers, the bulk of the women of the richards. The latter did not want to have a co-wife, either they wanted their husband not to marry another,'others wanted their husband to privilege their son or daughter etc. My minimal price with them, it'is 500.000F. I asked them for a boxer shorts from their husband for those who did not want a co-wife and the worst and that'elles brought them back to me. Some rich men your lives are in danger. Your women only want your wealth. They are willing to do anything to keep your fortune. If they bring me the underpants, in front of them, j's a liquid that is useless before promising them that'elles will be the first and last wife of their husband and if they notice the slightest shady movement of their husband that'elles m'avertent. Naive that'elles are, they come out happy. They didn't hesitate to give me gifts from time to time, just to shove me mdrrrr. They are really crazy. For those who want their husband to privilege their children, I claim them, one of their clothes, thinking back, I'suis died of laughter. I don't know where is j'irai after my death but all that I'sais, j'a worse than me. He even happened to receive women who wanted to make sterile their co-wife, those who wanted the divorce of their co-wife, those the death of their husband to take the' inheritance, those who wanted to drive their co-wife's children crazy or crazy. In short, statements of all kinds. J' was even afraid sometimes. J'avoue that j'voyais people who only wanted their own advancement not the defeat of others. I swear to you that I can't estimate the'argent that I' had had by playing the fake marabouts. It lasted almost 7 months before I left this job of marabout and break my contract with the owner of the'appartement. Lesson from this part: Believe in God instead of putting everything on the back of the marabouts. I do not denigrate anyone and we have our realities but put forward the Good God. Y'a real marabouts but the real ones are rare, only the false ones are manifested. We are very soon caught up in my role as a receiver of fake banknotes. Bye 4th Part: Start of'a new plan J'ai saw your comments and received your messages via nandity but j'you understand. I didn't' expected sympathy towards you. J'me confesses just to empty me of this past that haunts me and help some people not to make a' error, where fall into the trap of a future mobster. In my flagship years, I' have had to be a great fake banknote catcher. The'sthistory began after a meeting in a well watered evening with a Nigerian. The links were quickly woven, as we were VIPs at this evening and everyone did as he wanted his money. J' had become a regular of the'eau cursed in Senegal and well consumed by the 70% or even 80% of Senegalese (alcohol). Each of us was well accompanied by the female junta. Khaliss nexna. The girls were turning us around and we were entitled to touch any part of their body without worries. Y' had competition between this man and me. Each of them wanted to show that'il held the strings. At the end of the evening, leaving the box, we introduced ourselves and we had exchanged our coordinates before congratulating ourselves. In a corner of my head, I' was a little nervous about'having seen someone stand up to me in an evening. J' was often the king, when I'entered a box, everyone rushed at me. But this time, I' saw someone'un who was on the same footing of'ality as me. In my dictionary, it'is to rub shoulders, the men who can m' bring and with this man, j'pense that we could do business. The next day Sunday, I' received a call from this new rival « Hello bro, j'hope that you are well and that you rested well ? (with the English-speaking'accent but it copes very well in wolof and french). J' replied to his greetings. He' invites me to a new evening that should be held the same day in a box of the place. J'ai gave my agreement without hesitation. The deal he made, he hangs up. J' was a little pissed off about this guy. For me, he wants to measure himself against me. J'ai alerted my driver who became my right arm. We prepared ourselves as if to go to war. J'ai released a large sum of'argent for a possible duel with this man. At 24h, we left my house with my driver. When we arrived, I'a made a sign. It makes me enter calmly before telling me « today', it's me who manages everything. You are my guest. It's up to me to'assure everything you want. Girls,'alcohol, cigarette are there ». J' was a little surprised by this gesture but I' responded favorably. We took advantage of this moment to exchange. His name was EMEKA and he has been in Senegal for over 15 years. He talks a little bit about his business. Even if I' felt a little restrained. He's invites me to work with him, because'il can enrich me in another sense. We concluded to see each other, the next day at 16h in a restaurant in the square. To tell the truth, I' liked this evening. It'was really hot, I had fun like never before. J'ai saw excellent beautiful girls's and I did not deprive myself of walking my hands. I' was drunk moreover' this n' is no longer a secret, it' happens to me to get drunk as not possible. I' spent nothing and I' ended up going home with a beautiful girl with extraordinary shapes. The days when I didn't' slept with a girl we can count them. The girl spent the night with me, until'in the early morning. I don't know why, but she me'a makes live an extremely hot'hell night. I couldn't treat her like the others. J'suis went out with her and she has been my longest relationship with a girl. She s'appelle fifi (we will talk about it). The next day as expected, we S'is seen at 16h and he went straight to the goal. EMEKA : Bro. Y'a not a thousand paths. J'makes fake'argent banknotes that j'revends to rich men. J'peux finance you the number you want and it'is easy to spend this money. During our first meeting, I'a knew that you were not' so white as that. You are in the business of'another way. We know each other in this environment. J' heard your name of the months. J's sent people to follow you to find out who you really are and how you spend your money. We cannot fool ourselves. Our way of spending'money proves a lot. J'peux sell you 100.000F of counterfeit banknote at 30.000 F. If you want even 5.000.000 F to 500.000 F CFA. I can give you a large sum of'argent for you to try and if it doesn't suit you, you can stop. J' was amazed and I' had the heart beating hard. This' is a new world that I'discovered. As I' was blinded and I lived only to be rich, I let myself be tempted. I couldn't back down from anything so much I' trusted in my grey-grey. I' saw any marabout and I was not badinat on the mystical level. My last meeting with a marabout, this last M'a promised and swore that I will never be arrested by lady justice, as long as j'respects its recommendations. So I could afford anything. J' accepted the proposal of'EMEKA. We celebrated this new collaboration around'a bottle of'alcohol. The same day when he came home, he handed me a million fake banknotes. The problem is, I don't know how to spend it. J' had a blind confidence in this fifi my new girlfriend. J'en opened up to her without a second thought and she me'a gave a solution. Fifi : J'sais qu'EMEKA is in the fake banknotes. J'peux t'explain how it does to use this money. He knows people who sell in supermarkets. But you can use people who work in banks. I don't know, but you can make friends in this world. Either a cashier, a brief manager, a bank employee. On his words, I'a had the idea to dredge a cashier. Moreover,', it will not be an impossible mission. Because one of the cashiers of the bank that J'frequentais had feelings about me. J'sais qu'elle was impressed with the amount of'argent that j'saisais and she wanted to eat it. Because it must be said, j'ne am not beautiful, j'peux say that j'suis the ugliest of men on earth laugh. If J'ose dredge the most beautiful girls of Senegal, it'est because of my pocket. Y' had more time to lose. J'suis went directly to my bank to pretext withdraw from'argent. When I arrived, J'suis fell on my favorite cashier. J'ai waited for'elle to be free to get closer to'elle. J'ai retired 500.000F CFA. Before offering him 100,000F. J'ai left my business card with a small note « remind me as soon as you are free because j'ai need you ». J's knew that'elle will do it. She N' was waiting for that. J'suis left without turning around. In the evening around the 18h, I'ai received the' call of'a number that I didn't' registered. I was no longer taking the unregistered numbers but this time I' had no choice. J'ai well done to unhook, because it'was this girl, moreover, I N' waited that that. « Hello !!! C'is who ? » She answers The girl : J'suis Bella the bank teller. You told me to call you back. What can I do for you? Dembis : Anh ok. I remember. J'ne will not turn aro