his Amir ! I hate him ! The next day I wake up quietly. I slept with my mother and father. I admit that I slept a little badly. I tried to look for solutions to pay for my father's
?! The worst is that it is he himself who spit at me with the mouth that he cheated on me and the zehma he wants to come back like a flower ?! Let him go clean his nose this bum ! -... : Benti ? (My daughter ?) That's my mother's voice. I turn around and see her with a smile on my face. Me : So ? -M : It's good I work at home ! I signed the contract! me : Yees ! I'm happy. I mean, I'm glad she's happy. Because I didn't want her to work. But she's happy, so I am too. me : They are nice then ? -M : Beh listen, I meet that woman she looks nice. Her husband works almost all day. And hendhoum wahed lwould rani cheftou deghia deghia (and they have a son, I saw him quickly made) Me : I hope they won't make you fret! -M, laughing : Don't worry my daughter! We're going home. My father and uncle came home and we told them the news. My father the truth he doesn't want me and my mother to work but it's forced. There's the rent, the bills, the food and on top of that, the medical bills to pay and the money coming in from my father is not enough. -O : Amina, it is useless to go to work, I will send money every month in the account ! These are the discussions we have every time. me : Tonton, I told her that I will work me but she does not want to! -M : Sedi femouk ntia (Ferma ta mouth toi !) Okay, I'm closing it. -M : Hafiz, your a family to feed you too ! I really thank you but I am in state to work inshallah. My father does not take part in the discussion. It hurts me because I know what he is thinking deep down inside of him. He feels like an extra burden on our family. But that's not true at all ! It's totally legitimate to take care of him while he's sick! Me : Good mom, dad, uncle, I say goodbye. I'm going home, I'm running tomorrow. -M : Ok hbiba yallah beslama ! (Ok ma cherie go goodbye !) I kiss them and go away. It had been several days that I had not class but tomorrow I resume so I have to go home. Once I get home, I take a shower and then I sit in front of the TV. It's too much of a habit. I turn on the TV but I don't watch it. It is to feel less alone mdrrrr because as you know I live alone. I pick up my phone and look at the messages I've been sent. «Eylul ️ : Neee ? (Quooiii ?) But how is it done ?» I answer him that it is a long story and that I will explain tomorrow when we see each other in class. I leave the discussion and see that Kassim answered me. Ooff. «+336****** : I don't care ! We have to see each other, it's important ! Anyway, I'm not asking for your permission, we're gonna cross paths with you don't worry. » I close my eyes. I don't understand why he wants us to see each other. He wants what ? Apologize ? He can go get interned if he thinks I'm gonna forgive him ! I turn off that damn laptop and lie down to watch TV. **** I get up at 7 in the morning. I'm all tired but hey, what am I going to do, the classes are the classes. I get ready, have lunch and then Eylul comes to take me it's our routine. -E : Are you okay? me : Yeah and you? -E : It's okay hamdullah. Were you not at home yesterday? me : No why ? -E : I came to see you but there was no one. me : Ohh ! Sorry I didn't tell you I was going to my parents' house. -E : But quiet wesh ! Besides how are they doing? me : Beh listen to my mother it's okay. And my father is still in the same condition. -E: Allah and chafih (Allah heal him) me : Amine ! (Qu'allah you answer !) Here the day goes quietly, I will not detail you, you know what are courses. And since the weather is nice at the end of the day, we decide to go to the park with Eylul, I would take the opportunity to tell him everything. ***** We're at the sitting park. We bought small snacks because we were really hungry. e: Hadi konus ! (Allez speaks !) I've been waiting since then but I can't take it anymore ! It's been three years since you worked a