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Reading History

Chapter 2 02

Word Count: 1002    |    Released on: 12/09/2023

Royal Dilem

ng her inner turmoil. She glanced at the screen, her heart racin

ended the call abruptly. She took a deep breath, her mind racing with apprehension. Her mother's call un

l decision, one made in the heat of the moment, fueled by a stubborn belief that Harry would come back to be

her. She clung to this belief, awaiting the fateful day when love would magically waltz into

d her back, casting judgment upon her. To them, she was nothing more than a fallen angel, a harlot with a tarn

owed their heads in deep respect. She acknowledged their silent re

or doubt-her father's intent had finally caught up with her. A conversation sh

rella greeted them with a warm smi

rd and bald head, though signs of age, only added to his charismatic a

he replied, his voice

the coffee cup his wife had p

glass cup,"

er father's cryptic gesture. She couldn't fathom the significa

derella replied, her

s. Her mother, a stunning woman in her late fifties, retained a timeless beauty that Cinder

time. You are hot now, in the prime of your life, and this is the moment to find the best husband

u can change too. When all your potential suitors have settled down,

right words to respond, her heart

lic sigh escaping his lips. "You see, you should

icked up his newspaper, and made his way upstairs,

lea, the weight of his expectations pressing down on her. H

those words," her mother implored, her voice tender. "We have a name to uphold-the Johnny family has

nderella covered her face with her hands,

ife secured to his belt, and his trusty phone in hand. Harry's heart remained wounded from his high school days, when Cinderella had abruptl

" Harry inquired, his voice tinged with g

plied, his tone

" Harry probed, hi

to restore his health have been in vain," Daniel

ied soon, or things won't be easy," Harry advised, h

. They never love themselves by any means

n treated like he i

me at the right moment, he just wa

is sick bed makes the whole pack troubles a lot, thi

his alpha status within the pack e

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