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Chapter 4 4

Word Count: 636    |    Released on: 17/09/2023

like Greyson, I would say he is

said and chuckled. "I'll mak

hey're probably going to be interested in you because y


bad. Just be careful around Grey

his locker with fish guts again," Alice shrugged

ce and Violet who Brooklyn had been introduced to. Violet was pale wi

he schools gossip and pointed out everyone of importance. Sasha did seem slightly annoyed that she could

s a cafeteria/lunchroom/dining hall/refectory etc. Hope that stops any confusion ☺️) It was extremely busy and the girls had to barge a few shou

hen the two girls reached the front of the line, they collected their food

ate, questioned Brooklyn about how her first d

open and a boy fell to the floor. Silence filled the room and everyone w

p your head off!" The guy growled

face, a brown haired guy with a frown and a l

His face was empty, void of any emotion. He scratched his stubbl

g the boy, the brown haired guy placed his hand on th

irls started talking immediately, but Brooklyn found herself watching the blonde

in front of Brooklyn's face to get

d grinned sheepishly. "I zo

. "The guy that did all the yelling, that was Greyson. The ginger guy, Al

ught the temptation to look at

uld've seen him s

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