img The Daughter of the Commandant  /  Chapter 4 THE DUEL. | 28.57%
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Chapter 4 THE DUEL.

Word Count: 3028    |    Released on: 30/11/2017

in the household of the Commandant. The husband and wife were excellent people. Iván Kouzmitch, who had been a child of the regiment, had become an

ed being shy, and we became better acquainted. I found her a warm-hearted and sensible girl. By degrees I became attached to this honest family, even to Iwán Ignatiitch, the one-

d I acquired a taste for literature. In the morning I used to read, and I tried my hand at translations, sometimes even at compositions in verse. Nearly every day I dined at the Commandant's, where I usually passed the rest of the day. In the evening, Father Garasim used to drop in, accompanied by his wife, Akoulina, who was the sturdiest gossip of the neighbour

ot revolt. Peace reigned around our little fort. B

y years later. One day I happened to write a little song which pleased me. It is well-known that under colour of asking advice, authors willingly

manuscript from my pocket, and re

ar with thou


flight fr


ch enslaved me ar

ey troubled and

who knowes

n this mise

y on thy

as a tribute due to me. But to my great displeasure Chvabrine, wh

, trying to hi

hy of my master Trédiakofski,[45] and, indeed, re

most spiteful way. That was too much for me; I snatched the MSS. out of his hands, and declared that never, n

dience as Iván Kouzmitch has need of his 'petit verre' before dinner. And who is this Masha to

ed I, frowning; "I don't ask for y

, irritating me more and more. "Listen to a little friendly adv

" I exclaimed; "explain

e well with Masha Mironoff, you need only make her a presen

ood b

f her?" I asked him, restrainin

tanic smile, "because I know by

shouted at him, in fury.

e's face

k," he said; "you shal

u like," replied I, joy

to tear hi

le in his hand. In obedience to the order of the Commandant's

w me; "you are welcome. On what errand does

d that I begged him, Iwán Ignatiitch, to be my second. Iwán Ignatiitch h

ill Alexey Iványtch, and that I am to be witness? Is


me impertinence; he in return will give you a blow, give him in return a box on the ear; he another, you another, and then you part. And presently we oblige you to make peace. Whereas now-is it a good thing to kill your neighbour, if I may p

t officer did not deter me.

ss? People fight; what is there extraordinary in that, allow me to ask? Thank heaven I hav

I could the duty of a second, but I fo

e rules of the service, that a criminal deed is being plotted in the fort, in opposition to the interests of the c

o the Commandant. With great difficulty I managed to quiet him, and

any suspicions, and avoid any too curious questions. But I confess I had none of the coolness of which people boast

thought that perhaps I was seeing her for the l

k him aside and told him


to me, dryly. "We shall d

orrow behind the haystacks,

endly manner, Iwán Ignatiitch,

aid to me, with a face of satisfaction. "B

Commandant's wife, who was playing patience in a

ected his promise, became confused, and did not

d he, "approves of the

y little father,

tch, to be sure, and we


trifle, over a

el over-a little son

ine, 'Captain's daughter, don't go abroad at dead of night!' As we did not sing in the same key, Petr' Andréj?

the subject. From poetry the conversation passed to poets in general, and the Commandant made the remark that they were all rake

dant and his family. After coming home I looked at my sword; I tried its point, a

was already behind the haystacks, waiting for

d," he said to me;

nd in our waistcoats we drew

s an order to go at once before the Commandant. We sulkily obeyed. The soldiers surrounded us, and we foll

Iwán Ignatiitch threw the door wide


Igorofna ra

s, give them up-give them up. Palashka, take away the swords to the garret. Petr' Andréj?tch, I did not expect this of you; aren't you ashamed of yourself? As to Alexe

roved of all his w

rofna is quite right-duels are f

our swords, and had ca

laughing. Chvab

spect I have for you,"

nnot help remarking that

ng us at your tribunal.

it is his

Iván Kouzmitch, are you trifling? Lock them up separately, and keep them on broad and water till this ridiculous idea

nk. The Commandant's wife became more easy to deal with. She ordered us to make friends. Palashka b

y, "thus to denounce us to the Commandant af

rofna who wormed it all out of me. It was she who took all the necessary measures unkn

urned to his quarters,


n't end thus,"

ut your insolence in blood. But they will watch us; we

as if nothin

her was not at home, and her mother was engaged with household cares. We spoke in a low voice Ma

or a word forgotten the next week they are ready to cut each other's throats, and to sacrifice not only their life, but their honou

you think

ványtch; I even dislike him. Yet, all the same, I should not ha

, Marya Ivánofna, does

oked disturbed, a

id, at last, "I t


he propos

d to you

wo months bef

did not

, well off, too; but only to think of being obliged to kiss him before every

I understood now why Chvabrine so persistently followed her up. He had probabl

me the more infamous when, instead of a rude and

ment. I had not to wait long. On the morrow, just as I was busy composing an elegy, and I was biting my pen as I s

are not watching us any more. Let us go to t

ng gone down a rugged path we halted

d bolder, and M. Beaupré, who had, among other things, been a sold

ile we could neither of us do the other any harm, but at last, noticing that Chvabrine was

d, and saw Savéliitch running towards me down the path. At this moment I fel

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