img The New Girl  /  Chapter 2 Dangerous intention | 2.94%
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Chapter 2 Dangerous intention

Word Count: 2012    |    Released on: 25/10/2023

people. My nam


ke. Though she found Annabelle strange because of the way her sponsor insisted on making a

ifer couldn't believe

ring at the strange girl

dy" Liam muttered

too. No one expected those word. She slowl

take your seat Anna" M

beside Daniel since no one sits with him. She didn't car

e is actually cool with h


er head to him w

ou enjoy your stay he

g her head back to the board. Dan

ng around her. It's just too bright here. Maybe she should talk

omeone call behind her but

belle?" The voi

some of his hair covering his forehead. He have this cheerful sm

here in school, we're cool?" he s

you, I hate being touched. Especially from someone like you" She said and

is hand and went

rude people" Ethan sa

I was the one who wanted to

her in the class" Jennifer scol


yes search for Annabe

she go?"

ted in that girl

weird and I wanna know how

else. She had expected the person to be a guy but it turns of to be a

flirty look came before Et

g a game today. I just

came again, she sat besid

help you" E

ook great today"

irl's ever going to get tire

od to sit another place. Her eyes went back to Ethan, who wa

h his phone when

is neck before crashing her lips on his. He pushed her lightly br

t if the students sees us togeth..."

. stop" Liam tried push

ignore this?" Mrs Charlot

uge breast and made him squeeze it tight, fuck it was so soft he could feel the temp

him closer. She crash his lips on his, this time Liam responded

office door behind he

. There's nothing bloody around here. Instead she is busy seeing some cr

" A girl calle

tricia walking towards

no difference between you and the M

hat?" Patri

es. She is a goddess.. a ugly one

dened hearing wh

ever that is on her mind whether it's go

couldn't find a wo

look alone creeps every damn thing in here ou

hat's my job" Annabelle said ha

own. She won't be able to teach this new

way and I would like you to

in Brilliant high but also a bully. Girls are mostly

tilt her head one sid

can show you some things you'll need to know about this schoo

tricia. She thought she would have to pe

ing to leave while Annabelle stood on her spot w


e person, who just called her. Ethan who spotte

if you can watch my basketball m

ome evil things" she

ply at what she just said.

d as she kept on moaning with Liam fucking her from behind. The t

es, L


er kn

me c


t heavily. He remove the condom f

, I so much love your co

otte so stay away from me. I'll be doomed i

hotel but you said no and then, you decided to start ignori

aid before getting out of the office. He quic

uttered bef


th?" Bianca exclaimed when she heard the word from

th people so she can learn how to d

you've turned her into a weapon already? What if she kills someone in the school? What if s

e w

l is? The bullies are always there to trigg

ways listen to me. And if she does hurt anyone,

e another purpose of sending th

her, he lift his finger to touch her face tracing it down to her

d you send her there?" B

ck, he push and pin her on the wall. Bianca Yelp

't mean you have the fucking right to challenge my

managed to speak wi

her afterward and

emoving his belt and

he can mess with, Bianca quickly obeyed. In

your ass to me" he demanded

ut her getting wet. A scream escaped her lips

tight and began to


p as promised. Of course she knew what is about to happen. Bringing he

o bring any weapon but she had

ard was the door closing. She look back just to see Patricia, Barba

ak" Patric

d bought out a gum. She threw it in her mout

offed at the watch Annabelle chew on

o so once we are done with her"

caught their attention. This time

ets how to breath" Patricia ordered

the thought of slashing the first victim's throat. She

ul will tha



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