ic with which to insure the happiness of the people. Sickening fogs would envelop the land from time to time, and the area was never very prosperous. Still, it was too beautiful to go overlooked
ary mountain has long been said to be the home of many ancient Gods. According to the Ozian storytellers, who still today will sit by your campfire and tell you a tale in exchange for a cup
lychrome, Lurliné was able to give the Land of Oz the magical enchantment tha
rliné required to fulfil
t, the flying horses to
al, and Lillith's brazi
on, she also obtained
ents without the permission of the various deities. She stole into their chambers at night as they lay sleeping a
remains as a glowing tribute to the powers of the Fairy Queen Lurliné. And to insure its longevity, Lurliné arranged for a fairy rul
and his wife Ozia, herself a descendant of fairies and daughter of Oziana. Yo
ere in a balloon. It had been he who had erected the Emerald City, and he who had sold the infant Ozma into slavery at the hands of a heartless old Witch named Mombi. To hide the infant qu
tful place on the royal throne. Most of this history, of course, was unknown to Elephant and his companions. They saw only the fact that she was a child. They did not know of her unique experiences at all. If they had, they'd have surely recognized that she
Tiger caught