eyes yet as he's still groggy from sleep.
pha included, had stayed up till very early the next day running and fleeting through forests of aspens and beech and pines with dense undergrowth, f
ubstance of the Lunar body tugging at their whole hearts. The sheer
ock outcroppings, lifted his snout at the moon, and howled ou
their snouts and howled their equal affection, their ho
after their Alpha had called off the hunt just as dawn had begun to ch
n to their activities. Their Wolf ancestors had kept their existence and knowledge of their a
often than not, turned into hate, which spawned violence. They could, of course, deal
their much more heightened lupine senses, it was near
'd hear their fragile hearts beating from yards away. Be
out of fear; it was much easier to avoid op
ed for, leading Denzel to conclude that he had either taken off earlier or was still out hunting and h
ivid, though; he'd expected to confer with h
ing on their territories, and knowledge of this had
he threat in the bud before it became a stub
g himself and potentially the entire pack at risk of premature conflict with the rogues but also r
hly. As his orders and policies stemmed from very well-thought-out plans, he expected to be obeyed to
hed, almost deliberately disobeying especi
t was didn't interfere with the pack's welfare and his responsibility to it. The Pack needed
heir hands, though. He would have to call Reid to order. For now, thou
eady, and his large glass windows allowed a lot of light into his bedroom a
to his right, reaching for his lover simultaneously. His hands landed on empty sheets just a half second bef
acteristic soft voice as she walked in,
arply defined jaw; her skin looked radiant in the bright room, and her gorgeous petite body looked lithe in
She'd reached where he sat and handed him the mu
but I know just how much you lo
e took a sip and leane
iveway," she said over her shoulder as she
been all that crunching of tires on grav