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Chapter 2 Did you ever love me

Word Count: 1172    |    Released on: 27/10/2023

reparing the bed for sleep, I realized that Alf

happy whenever he comes back with good news about getting a contract or receiving

led to intense, passionate nights that I loved because they made me feel so emotio

e, I eventually realized t

on made me wor

p at home that night. I wondered wher

ht have had something urgent to do. But my husband never came. After waiti

hadn't seen her father before falling asleep. It was

lfred was truly distancing himself from me. I tried to fall asleep without my

prevented me from havi

a wealthy man. I had to tell him about my pregnancy by finding him at his massive mansion. Hi

ause Alfred wasn't home. Eventually, after a f

s drinking my morning tea

rm me that Master Alfred, as

see my husband. We needed to settle things and

dn't believe my eyes. Alfred was drunk, and the woman turned out to

hat had happened? Why was Alfred's ex helpin

I was angry, hurt, and confused. Did they spend the night together? It was at this m

e was my husband, but when I attempted to help him into

r room. How could Alfred do this to me? Was it because h

communicated. He was so comfortable with her, and she knew so

insisting th

ooked at Alfred. My heart broke as I saw how tight

truth and what he truly wanted. That morning, with tea

s my heart felt incredibly heavy. I just settled in Julianna's room, crying. Alfr

l moments I believed were progress in our

d use

. My world turned gray, and life felt a little more meaningless. I told my daughter that her

oman for him. Perhaps I'd find my own man, and our live

the table for breakfast. It was difficult for me to

ded hi

ughter?" This question was the first s

didn't understand what was really going on.

eally not working, and I believe we should go our separate ways, bu

g his answer. I couldn't cry in front of him,

ween us had be

never in lo

ation hit me, the m

fter crying and relieving myself, I went back into our

Alfred's ey

from crying, and I k

k you a q


sked, tears falling from my

him, avoiding his eyes beca

e, but I never felt

oser to him, and said, "I understand." W

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